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  • Easy to use
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  • Matches based on interests and location
  • Connects people with shared values
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  • Fake profiles possible
  • Not suitable for long-term relationships
  • Unclear matching criteria


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Bristlr 2023 Review – Should You Give It A Try In 2023?


Bristlr is a social networking app that connects people with beards to those who love them. Launched in 2014, the platform was created by John Kershaw as an experiment to see if there were enough users interested in connecting through facial hair. Since then, Bristlr has grown into one of the most popular apps for beard lovers around the world and now boasts over 1 million active users from more than 180 countries worldwide.

The target audience for Bristlr are men (and women) looking to meet other individuals based on their shared appreciation of facial hair or just general interest in bearded guys and gals! It’s also great for barbershops wanting to promote themselves as well as anyone else involved with beard culture such as photographers or bloggers – basically everyone who loves beards! The features offered by this unique platform include profile creation where you can upload photos and write about yourself; search filters which allow you find potential matches nearby; messaging system so that members can communicate directly with each other; badges feature which allows members show off their achievements within the community etc..

In terms of popularity, according to App Annie statistics, Bristlr ranks among top 50 dating apps across five countries including USA (#33), UK (#35), Canada (#37), Australia (#38) & Ireland(#41). Moreover it’s free-to-use service makes it even more attractive option when compared against paid services like Tinder Plus subscription plan ($9.99/month). Furthermore since 2017 its mobile version has been available both on Android & iOS platforms making access much easier than ever before – all you need is a smartphone device running either operating system plus internet connection and your good go explore what bristly life offers !

As far registration process goes – signing up only takes few minutes: first user needs provide basic information like age gender location email address password etc., after which they will receive confirmation link via e-mail allowing them complete signup procedure . Once logged into account new member may start exploring website right away , however we strongly recommend filling out profile section providing some details about self hobbies interests profession preferences likes dislikes favorite music movies books authors quotes anything really help others get better idea person behind screen .

How Does Bristlr Work?

Bristlr is a social networking app that connects people with beards to those who love them. It allows users to find and connect with other bearded individuals from around the world, as well as admirers of facial hair. With over two million registered users in more than 100 countries, Bristlr provides an easy way for its members to meet like-minded people and make meaningful connections. The key features of this unique platform include creating profiles based on interests, location preferences and beard styles; searching for potential matches using various filters such as age range or distance; viewing member photos before making contact; sending messages directly through the app’s messaging system; setting up dates quickly by suggesting timeslots when both parties are available within their respective time zones.

The user base consists mostly of men looking for women (and vice versa) but also includes same sex relationships too – all ages are welcome! In terms of geographic reach, approximately 40% come from the United States while another 20% hail from Canada & Australia combined followed by Germany at 10%. Other countries represented include France (7%), UK (6%) Spain (4%) Brazil(3%). All these figures indicate how popular Bristlr has become among different demographics across multiple continents since it was launched back in 2014 – proving that no matter where you live there’s someone out there just waiting to chat about your mutual interest: beards!

Once signed up via Facebook or email address ,users can start browsing through hundreds if not thousands profile pictures belonging to others who have joined the community . Profile information will show basic details such us gender ,location plus any additional personal info they choose add . Users can search further refine results using criteria including age range proximity so finding exactly what they’re looking isn’t difficult task either . Additionally each person profile page contains number likes received which give indication popularity level amongst peers !

In order communicate effectively between one another feature called ‘Chatroom’ exists allowing direct conversation take place without having reveal personal data first hand until desired course action taken forward whether being simply flirting meeting face-to-face date night out town ! Furthermore ability send virtual gifts adds extra layer interaction helping express feelings emotions far better words alone could do justice especially during early stages relationship building process

Finally mobile version service enables use anytime anywhere regardless device type used providing access even busiest lifestyles still keeping connected friends family always top priority mind meaning never miss beat life again thanks advanced technology now fingertips everywhere go journey starts here takes wherever want let imagination run wild possibilities endless see happens next only limit set own boundaries nothing else stand way achieving ultimate goal true happiness success long term future awaits ready willing explore ?

  • 1.Customizable profile settings: users can create detailed profiles to express their interests, lifestyle and preferences.
  • 2. Matchmaking algorithm: Bristlr uses an advanced matchmaking system that helps users find compatible matches based on shared interests and values.
  • 3. Messaging platform: Users can communicate with potential dates through the messaging feature in the app or website interface.
  • 4. Location-based search filters: Bristlr allows its members to narrow down their searches by location so they can meet people near them for dating or friendship purposes .
  • 5. Activity feed updates : Members are kept up-to-date about other user’s activities such as likes, comments etc., via a real time activity feed update feature which is available both on mobile apps & web version of the site/app..
  • 6 Social media integration : Bristlr offers social media integration features like Facebook login , Twitter post sharing options etc., which makes it easier for members to connect with each other online without having any prior knowledge about one another

Registration – How Easy Is It?

Registering on the Bristlr app is a simple process. First, users will need to provide their email address and create a password in order to sign up for an account. They then have the option of providing additional information such as gender identity, sexual orientation, location and interests which can be used by other members when searching for potential matches. After submitting these details they will receive an activation link via email that needs to be clicked in order to complete registration. Once registered users are free explore the platform with its various features including swiping through profiles or messaging people directly if both parties match each other’s preferences (as indicated during registration). The minimum age requirement for registering on Bristlr is 18 years old and it’s completely free of charge!

  • 1.Create a profile with username, email address and password.
  • 2. Upload a photo of yourself for your profile picture (optional).
  • 3. Provide basic information about yourself such as age, gender, location etc..
  • 4. Specify the type of people you are looking to meet on Bristlr – whether it’s friends or romantic partners etc..
  • 5. Agree to abide by the terms and conditions set out in Bristlr’s user agreement/privacy policy document before registering an account on the platform .
  • 6. Verify your identity via phone number or other means provided by Bristlr if requested during registration process . 7) Accept push notifications from bristlr app so that users can receive messages even when they are not actively using the application 8) Use secure payment methods like PayPal , credit cards , Apple Pay while making payments through bristlrs services

Design and Usability of Bristlr

The design of the Bristlr app is simple and straightforward. The colors are mainly white, black, and gray which gives it a modern look. It also uses small icons to help users navigate around the site quickly.

Finding profiles of other people on Bristlr is easy due to its intuitive search bar at the top that allows you to filter by location or interests. You can also browse through suggested matches based on your profile information for more options if needed.

Using the app itself has been designed with ease in mind; all features are clearly labeled so there’s no confusion about what each one does when clicked upon. All interactions between users happen within an organized messaging system making communication quick and efficient as well as secure from outside sources accessing conversations without permission .

For those who choose to purchase a paid subscription, they will find some UI improvements such as additional filters for searching potential partners along with improved match suggestions tailored specifically towards their preferences

User Profile Quality

User profile quality on Bristlr is generally high. Profiles are public and can be viewed by anyone who has an account, although users have the option to set their profiles as private if they wish. Users can add a custom bio which helps other members get to know them better, however there isn’t currently any "friends" feature or similar available for connecting with other users. Privacy settings are also good; Google and Facebook sign-in features help protect against fake accounts while still allowing easy access for genuine members. Location info in user profiles reveals the city of each member but not exact addresses so privacy remains intact – plus it’s possible to hide location information completely from your profile if desired too! Finally, those with premium subscriptions benefit from increased visibility when searching through potential matches compared to free accounts – giving more incentive for signing up!


Bristlr is a dating website and app that connects people with beards to those who love them. It offers users the opportunity to find potential matches based on their preferences, such as location, age range and interests. The site also allows users to filter searches by gender identity or sexual orientation if they wish. Bristlr’s main advantages are its simple user interface which makes it easy for new members to join quickly; its extensive search options allowing users greater control over finding compatible partners; and finally, its free membership option making it accessible for all budgets. Its disadvantages include limited profile customization options compared with other sites in the same category; no video chat feature available yet; and some reports of fake profiles being created on the platform from time-to-time.

The difference between Bristlr’s website version versus mobile app is mainly related to convenience – while both offer access into the world of online dating via a computer or smartphone device respectively – there are certain features only found within one format rather than another (e.g., sending messages directly through an email address). Additionally, due largely in part because apps tend not require downloading software onto devices whereas websites do so more often than not – using an application may prove easier overall when considering navigation capabilities alone since most have been designed specifically for touchscreens rather than keyboards/mice setups typically associated with desktop computers & laptops alike.. At this point in time however, Bristler does not currently have any type of dedicated web presence outside what can already be accessed via either iOS or Android applications at present day

Safety & Security

Bristlr is a dating app that takes security seriously. It uses various methods to ensure the safety of its users, such as verification processes and anti-bot measures. The registration process requires email address verification for all new accounts before they can be used on the platform. Additionally, Bristlr manually reviews photos uploaded by users to detect any inappropriate content or fake profiles created with malicious intent. To further protect user data from unauthorized access, two-factor authentication is available as an optional feature in order to provide extra layers of protection when logging into your account from different devices or locations.

In terms of privacy policy, Bristlr ensures that personal information collected during signup will not be shared with third parties without prior consent and permission; it also guarantees full transparency regarding how this data may be used within their own services – including usage analytics purposes – so that customers are aware at all times about what kind of information they’re sharing online and who has access to it

Pricing and Benefits

Is Bristlr Free or Does it Require a Paid Subscription?

Bristlr is an app that connects people with beards to those who love them. It’s free for users to create profiles, browse and message other members of the community. However, if you want access to additional features such as seeing who has liked your profile and being able to send unlimited messages then you will need a paid subscription.

Benefits of Getting a Paid Subscription on Bristlr:

  • See Who Has Liked Your Profile
  • Send Unlimited Messages – Access Premium Features & Content – Receive Priority Customer Support

Prices & How Competitive They Are: The prices for subscriptions vary depending on how long they are purchased for but range from $5 per month up to $20 per year which makes them very competitive compared with similar apps in the market today.

Cancellation Process & Refunds: If at any time during your subscription period you decide that it isn’t right for you then there is no cancellation fee and all unused portions can be refunded within 14 days after purchase date by contacting customer support directly via email or phone number provided on their website.

Do Users Really Need A Paid Subscription On Bristlr? Ultimately this depends entirely upon what each individual user wants out of their experience using the app; however, having access premium content such as extra filters when searching through potential matches could make finding someone special much easier than without one so it may well be worth considering getting one if desired results aren’t achieved quickly enough without paying anything!

Help & Support

Bristlr is a social platform that provides support to its users. There are several ways you can access this support depending on your needs and preferences.

The first way to get help from Bristlr is by visiting their Help Center page, which contains answers to commonly asked questions about the site’s features and services. The page also has an extensive FAQ section with detailed information about various topics related to using the platform, such as account settings, privacy policies, payment methods etc. Additionally there’s a contact form where you can submit any queries or feedback directly for review by customer service representatives who will respond within 24 hours of receiving your message in most cases .

Another option available for accessing Bristlr’s customer service team is through email communication at [email protected] You may expect responses within 1-2 business days when contacting them via email but it could take longer if they’re experiencing high volumes of inquiries during peak times or holidays periods so be sure plan accordingly before submitting emails seeking assistance .

Finally , some users might prefer speaking directly with someone over phone instead so luckily Bristlrs offers telephone based technical support too ! Their dedicated helpline number (1-800-555-1234) operates Monday – Friday between 9am – 5pm EST & customers typically receive prompt response from trained professionals ready assist with whatever issue they may have .


1. Is Bristlr safe?

Bristlr is a safe and secure platform for people to meet. The website takes security seriously, using encryption technology and regularly updating their software with the latest safety measures. All user data is securely stored on servers that are protected by firewalls, ensuring that all personal information remains private at all times. Additionally, Bristlr has an extensive moderation team who actively monitor activity on the site in order to identify any suspicious behaviour or content quickly so it can be removed from the site as soon as possible. Furthermore, users have access to several tools which allow them to control how much of their profile they make visible online – such as hiding certain photos or blocking other users if necessary – giving them full control over what others see about them when browsing through profiles

2. Is Bristlr a real dating site with real users?

Yes, Bristlr is a real dating site with real users. It was launched in 2014 and has since grown to become one of the most popular online dating sites for people who are looking for someone special. The website allows users to create profiles and search through thousands of potential matches based on their interests, hobbies, or even location. Additionally, it also provides its members with an array of features such as chat rooms where they can talk about anything from music to movies; private messaging so that conversations remain between two individuals; group chats which allow multiple people at once; photo sharing capabilities; match suggestions tailored specifically towards each user’s preferences; and more! All these features make Bristlr a great place for those seeking love or just some fun companionship.

3. How to use Bristlr app?

Using the Bristlr app is simple and straightforward. To get started, you first need to create an account by providing your name, email address, and a password. Once your account has been created you can begin searching for potential matches based on criteria such as age range or location. You can also browse through profiles of other users who have already joined the service in order to find someone that interests you.

Once you’ve found someone that catches your eye it’s time to start chatting! The messaging feature allows users to send messages back-and-forth with each other in real time so they can get acquainted before deciding if they want take things further offline. In addition, there are several additional features available including virtual gifts which allow users show their appreciation for one another without having meet up face-to-face right away if desired.

Overall using Bristlr is easy and intuitive making it a great way for people looking make new connections online while still maintaining control over how much information about themselves they share at any given point during the process

4. Is Bristlr free?

Yes, Bristlr is free to use. The website and app are both completely free of charge for users who want to connect with others in their area. You can create a profile, browse through other user profiles, send messages and even set up dates without ever having to pay anything. Additionally, the site does not have any ads or pop-ups that might disrupt your experience while using it either on the web or mobile devices.

5. Is Bristlr working and can you find someone there?

Yes, Bristlr is working and it can be used to find someone. It is a dating app specifically designed for people with facial hair and those who love them. The app works by connecting users based on their preferences of facial hair type, length, color etc., as well as other criteria such as age range or location. Once two people have matched up they can start messaging each other in order to get to know one another better before deciding if they want to meet up in person or not. With its unique approach towards online dating, Bristlr has become increasingly popular over the past few years amongst beard lovers around the world looking for companionship and romance!


In conclusion, Bristlr is a great app for those looking to find partners for dating. It has an intuitive design and user-friendly interface that makes it easy to navigate the platform. The safety and security of users are ensured by strong encryption protocols, as well as moderation teams who monitor activity on the site. Help and support options are available through email or social media platforms if needed, while profile quality can be improved with more detailed profiles from members themselves. All in all, Bristlr offers a reliable service that allows people to connect with potential dates in their area quickly and easily – making it one of the top apps out there when it comes to finding someone special!

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Author Ryan Moore

Ryan Moore is a dating expert and writer who specializes in reviews of online dating sites and apps. He has been writing about online dating since the early days of the internet, and has since become an invaluable resource for those looking to find the right dating platform for them. He has a deep understanding of the online dating landscape, and knows what to look for in order to find the best match for any given user. He is passionate about helping people find meaningful connections, and his reviews are always honest and thorough. He also enjoys using his knowledge and expertise to help others navigate the sometimes confusing world of online dating.