HER Dating App
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  • Safe
  • Fun
  • Easy to Use
  • Connects with Social Media Accounts
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  • Expensive
  • Limited to certain areas
  • Unverified profiles


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A Review of HER Dating App: Pros and Cons


HER Dating App is a revolutionary dating platform that has been making waves in the online dating industry since its launch. It was created to empower women and give them more control over their love lives, allowing them to make meaningful connections with other queer women from around the world. HER Dating App provides an inclusive environment for users of all sexual orientations, gender identities, ages and backgrounds who are looking for romance or friendship.

The app currently boasts millions of active users across five countries: United States, Canada, Australia , New Zealand and Ireland . Founded by Robyn Exton in 2013 as Dattch – which later became Her – it quickly grew into one of the most popular apps among LGBTQ+ people worldwide due to its innovative features such as user-generated events listings; photo verification system; private messaging feature ; safe space support groups ; community forums ; profile creation tools etc.. The app also offers free access to news articles related specifically to LGBTQ+ topics written by experts on sexuality & relationships .

All these features have made HER Dating App extremely popular amongst both young adults & mature individuals alike who wish find like minded partners without any discrimination based on race , religion or orientation . Moreover , registering yourself onto this platform is quite easy – you can either sign up via your Facebook account (if available) or manually enter your details along with some basic information about yourself including age range preferences etc .. After completing registration process successfully you will be able start browsing through profiles immediately !

In addition , if you prefer using mobile devices then don’t worry because there’s also an Android/iOS version available so that you can use it anytime anywhere! So what are waiting for ? Download HER today & explore endless possibilities when it comes finding true love !

How Does HER Dating App Work?

HER Dating App is a revolutionary dating platform that connects people around the world. It has quickly become one of the most popular apps for those looking to meet someone special, with over 10 million users from more than five countries. The app offers an easy-to-use interface and provides several features such as profile creation, search filters, chat rooms and matchmaking algorithms designed to help you find your perfect match.

The first step in using HER Dating App is creating a profile by providing basic information about yourself including age range preferences, gender identity or orientation preference (if applicable), location preferences etc., which helps other users learn more about who you are before deciding whether they would like to connect with you or not. Once your profile is created it can be viewed by others on the app based on their own criteria set up in their account settings; this includes geographical distance as well as interests shared between both parties involved – making it easier for potential matches to discover each other’s profiles even if they live far away from each other!

In addition to searching through user profiles manually there are also various ways of finding compatible partners automatically via HER’s sophisticated matching algorithm: depending on what type of relationship someone may be seeking (casual hookups/long term relationships) different parameters will determine how likely two individuals might get along together when considering things like common interests & values plus physical attraction factors too! This makes sure everyone gets maximum exposure while still being able filtering out unwanted connections easily – ensuring only relevant results appear at all times so no time wasted scrolling through endless lists without any luck either way…

Once contact has been made between two interested parties then communication options open up within her dating app itself where messages can exchanged freely without having leave site – allowing conversations flow naturally back forth until further steps taken offline meeting face face perhaps? There’s also option join public forums related particular topics discuss openly amongst community members ask questions seek advice etc.. All these great features combined make HerDatingApp ultimate destination singles worldwide looking love friendship connection alike regardless background sexual orientation whatsoever!.

  • 1.Photo Verification: HER verifies every user’s profile photo to ensure authenticity and safety.
  • 2. Advanced Search Filters: Users can search for potential matches based on a variety of criteria, including age, location, gender identity/expression, sexual orientation and more.
  • 3. Live Video Chatting & Messaging: Connect with other users through video chat or messaging in real-time without leaving the app!
  • 4. Private Events & Group Chats: Attend private events hosted by HER or join group chats within the community to meet new people who share similar interests as you do!
  • 5. Personalized Matching Algorithm :HER uses an advanced matching algorithm that takes into account your preferences when suggesting compatible partners for you to connect with – no swiping necessary!
  • 6 .Location Based Discovery : Discover local LGBTQ+ friendly places near you such as bars , clubs , restaurants etc

Registration – How Easy Is It?

Registering on the HER Dating App is a simple and straightforward process. First, users must download the app from either Apple or Google Play stores. Once downloaded, they will be prompted to create an account by providing basic information such as their name, email address and age (the minimum required age for using this dating app is 18). After submitting these details, users can begin customizing their profile with pictures of themselves and other personal information that may help them find potential matches. Additionally, they are able to indicate preferences regarding gender identity/sexual orientation in order to further narrow down compatible partners within the platform’s database of members worldwide. Registration on HER Dating App is free so once all necessary steps have been completed successfully you can start browsing through profiles right away!

  • 1.User must provide a valid email address.
  • 2. User must create a secure password with at least 8 characters and one special character or number.
  • 3. Users should be over 18 years of age to register for the app, as it is intended for mature audiences only
  • 4. The user will need to agree to HER’s terms and conditions before completing registration process
  • 5. A profile photo upload may be required during sign up process
  • 6 .User should enter their gender identity (e..g male, female, non-binary) when registering on the app
  • 7 .The user needs to specify what type of relationship they are looking for (e., casual dating/hookups or serious relationships). 8 .Location services can optionally be enabled in order enable other users nearby being suggested

Design and Usability of HER Dating App

The HER Dating App has a bright and vibrant design, with colors that are easy on the eyes. The overall look is modern and inviting, making it an enjoyable experience to use. It’s easy to find profiles of other people; you can search by location or interest tags for those who share your interests. Usability-wise, the app is intuitively designed so users can quickly navigate their way around without any difficulty – even if they’re new to dating apps! If you purchase a paid subscription there are additional UI improvements such as advanced filters which make finding potential matches easier than ever before.

User Profile Quality

HER Dating App profiles are public, allowing all users to view them. Users can set a custom bio with information about themselves and their interests. There is no “friends” feature or something similar on the app; however, there are privacy settings available for users who want to control how much of their profile is visible publicly. Signing in through Google or Facebook accounts helps protect against fake accounts as well as providing additional security features like two-factor authentication. Location info may be included in user profiles but it does not reveal exact city locations – only an indication of distance between other HER members nearby which provides some level of anonymity and privacy for those that wish it so they don’t have to worry about people from outside the area seeing their profile details if they choose not too . Premium subscription holders benefit from increased visibility when searching by location due to higher rankings within search results compared with non-premium subscribers..


HER Dating App is a popular dating platform that has both an app and website. The HER Dating App website provides users with access to the same features as the mobile application, such as profile creation, messaging, matchmaking services and more. It also allows users to easily switch between their phone and computer when they want to use either device for communication or browsing potential matches. The main advantages of using the HER Dating App site are its convenience in terms of navigation; it’s easy-to-use interface makes it simple for people who may not be tech savvy or comfortable navigating apps on their phones. Additionally, having access from any internet connected device means you can browse profiles at home or work without being limited by your location like you would be if only using an app on your phone. However there are some drawbacks associated with this type of service too – since all data must travel through a web browser rather than directly from one user’s device to another’s there could potentially be delays in messages reaching each other which can lead to frustration among those trying out online dating platforms like this one .

In contrast ,the HER Dating App does not have a dedicated website but instead focuses solely on providing its members with high quality mobile experience via its downloadable application available across multiple operating systems including iOS & Android devices . This decision was made due largely because most modern day daters prefer accessing content quickly & conveniently via smartphones over traditional desktop computers thus making investing into developing separate sites redundant . Furthermore , building native applications allow developers greater flexibility when creating innovative features tailored specifically towards meeting needs unique demands generated by today’s fast paced digital lifestyle .

Safety & Security

HER Dating App is committed to providing a secure and safe platform for its users. It has implemented various measures such as verification methods, AI-driven photo reviews, two-factor authentication options and other safety protocols to protect the app from bots and fake accounts. The user registration process requires each individual to provide their email address or phone number which will be verified before they can access the HER Dating App account. This helps in ensuring that only genuine users are allowed on the platform. The photos uploaded by members are manually reviewed by trained moderators who use sophisticated algorithms along with Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology for detecting any suspicious activity or content related violations of terms & conditions set out by HER dating app team . Additionally, there is an optional two factor authentication option available which adds another layer of security while logging into your account making it more difficult for anyone else trying gain unauthorized access without permission from you directly .

In regards to privacy policy , all personal data collected through her dating app service shall remain confidential between you & us unless we have received explicit consent from our customers otherwise . We also guarantee that no third party services will ever receive customer information without prior authorization nor do we share this data with any external sources whatsoever under any circumstances at all times

Pricing and Benefits

HER Dating App is a free app that can be downloaded from the Apple Store or Google Play. The basic features of HER are available to all users, including profile creation and matching with other singles in your area.

However, there is also an option for premium membership which provides additional benefits such as unlimited swipes per day and access to exclusive events. The cost of the subscription varies depending on how long you want it for – one month costs $9.99 USD while six months will set you back $49.99 USD (about 40% cheaper than buying each month individually). This makes HER’s pricing competitive compared to similar dating apps like Tinder Plus ($14/month) and Bumble Boost ($8/month).

The cancellation process is straightforward; simply go into your account settings page within the app itself or contact customer service if needed, then follow their instructions accordingly in order to cancel your paid subscription before its renewal date arrives again next month (or whenever applicable). Refunds may be offered at discretion but this depends entirely on individual circumstances so please do read through their terms & conditions carefully beforehand just in case!

So ultimately it really comes down whether users feel they need those extra perks provided by a paid subscription – some people might find them useful whereas others could easily get along without them just fine too!

Help & Support

HER Dating App provides users with a variety of support options. Firstly, there is an extensive FAQ page which answers many commonly asked questions about the app and its features. This can be accessed directly from the HER website or through their mobile application.

If you have a more specific query that isn’t answered in the FAQ section then you can contact customer service via email at [email protected] . The response time for emails usually ranges between 24-48 hours depending on how busy they are but generally speaking it shouldn’t take too long to get an answer back from them.

Finally, if your issue requires immediate attention then customers also have access to telephone support where they can speak directly with one of HER’s representatives during business hours (Monday – Friday 9am – 5pm). They will do their best to resolve any issues as quickly as possible so that users don’t experience unnecessary delays when using the app


1. Is HER Dating App safe?

Yes, HER Dating App is safe. The app uses various security measures to protect its users from potential threats and malicious activities. All user data is encrypted with industry-standard encryption protocols and stored securely on their servers. Furthermore, the app requires all members to verify their identity before they can start using it by submitting a valid photo ID or passport information for verification purposes. Additionally, there are safety features built into the platform such as blocking other users if necessary and reporting any suspicious activity that may be occurring within the community of HER Dating App users so that appropriate action can be taken quickly if needed.

2. Is HER Dating App a real dating site with real users?

Yes, HER Dating App is a real dating site with real users. It has become one of the most popular and successful online dating platforms in recent years due to its focus on LGBTQ+ women. The app offers an inclusive space for queer women to meet other like-minded individuals, as well as find potential partners or friends who share similar interests and values. Users can create profiles that include photos, personal information such as age/location/sexual orientation preferences etc., and even link their social media accounts so they can get more exposure within the community. Additionally, there are many features available on the platform including group chats where members can discuss topics related to relationships or just chat about anything else; “moments” which allow users to post updates about themselves; private messaging options for those looking for something more intimate; events listings so people know what’s going on around them locally; plus much more! All these tools make it easy for anyone interested in finding someone special through HER Dating App – whether it be a romantic relationship or simply making new connections with others from different backgrounds & experiences – creating an open atmosphere where everyone feels welcome regardless of gender identity or sexual orientation

3. How to use HER Dating App app?

HER Dating App is a great way to meet like-minded people in your area. It’s easy to use and provides an intuitive user experience that makes it simple for anyone to find potential matches. To get started, all you need to do is download the app from either the Apple or Google Play store, create an account with your email address and start searching for other singles near you. You can search by age range, gender identity, location or even interests such as music genres and activities so that you can find someone who shares similar interests with yourself. Once you’ve found some interesting profiles of people nearby who match what you’re looking for then simply send them a message through HER’s messaging system! If they respond positively then congratulations -you have made contact with another person on HER dating app! From there its up to both parties if they would like pursue further communication outside of the platform but at least now its easier than ever before thanks to this revolutionary new way of meeting potential partners online!

4. Is HER Dating App free?

Yes, HER Dating App is free to download and use. It provides users with a safe space to meet other queer women in their area and build meaningful connections. The app also offers additional features such as event listings, community forums, personalized matchmaking services for premium memberships. With its easy-to-use interface and intuitive design, the app makes it simple for anyone looking to find someone special or just make new friends within the LGBTQ+ community. Additionally, all of your data is kept secure through encryption technology so you can rest assured that your information will remain private while using this platform

5. Is HER Dating App working and can you find someone there?

Yes, HER Dating App is working and you can find someone there. The app has been designed to provide a safe and comfortable environment for women who are looking for relationships with other women. It allows users to create profiles that showcase their interests, values, hobbies, lifestyle choices and more. Users can then browse through the profiles of others in order to find potential matches based on commonalities or shared experiences they may have had together. Additionally, the app also offers chat rooms where users can connect with each other directly as well as forums where members of the community come together to discuss topics related to dating or LGBTQ+ issues in general. With its user-friendly interface and wide range of features available within it’s platform; HER Dating App makes finding someone special easier than ever before!


To conclude, HER Dating App is a great platform for those looking to find partners for dating. It has an intuitive design and user-friendly interface that makes it easy to navigate around the app. The safety and security features are top notch with robust measures in place such as identity verification processes, reporting of any suspicious activities or profiles, 24/7 customer support team available via chatbot or email etc., which make this app one of the safest online platforms out there. The quality of user profile on HER Dating App is also excellent with users being able to add detailed information about themselves along with pictures so they can easily find potential matches who share similar interests and values as them. Overall, we would highly recommend using this app if you’re looking for someone special!

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Author Elizabeth Walker

Elizabeth Walker is a freelance writer and editor specializing in topics related to love, sex, and online dating. With a background in psychology, Elizabeth is passionate about relationships and the complex dynamics of human connection. She has written extensively on topics such as long-distance relationships, navigating the online dating world, and mastering the art of communication. Her writing has been featured in some of the top online publications, and she loves helping readers gain insight and clarity in their own relationships. When she's not writing, Elizabeth enjoys exploring the outdoors, reading, and learning new things.