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A Review of Feabie.com: Pros and Cons


Feabie.com is an online social networking app designed to connect plus-size people and their admirers from all over the world. The platform was launched in 2015 with a mission of providing a safe, nonjudgmental space for users who are interested in connecting with others based on size acceptance or fat admiration. It has since grown into one of the most popular apps among its target audience, boasting more than two million active members across five countries – United States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and United Kingdom.

The Feabie app offers many features that make it easy for users to interact with each other while also protecting their privacy and security at all times. Users can create profiles featuring photos as well as personal information such as interests and hobbies; they can then browse through potential matches using advanced search filters like location or body type preferences; finally they can start conversations via private messages or group chats which offer additional levels of anonymity if desired by either party involved in the conversation . In addition to these basic functions there are plenty more tools available including photo albums where you can showcase your favorite images; forums where topics related to size acceptance/fat admiration (or any other subject) may be discussed openly without fear of judgement ; video chat capabilities allowing real time interaction between members etc… All these features combined make Feabie one truly unique experience!

Accessing this amazing platform couldn’t be easier: registering is free so anyone looking for companionship within this niche community should have no problem getting started right away! Once registered ,users will gain access not only on desktop but also mobile devices thanks to its dedicated iOS & Android applications both available completely free !

How Does Feabie.com Work?

Feabie.com is an app that connects people with a shared interest in gaining and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. It’s the perfect place to find like-minded individuals who share your passion for health, fitness, nutrition, and wellness. With its unique features such as profile matching algorithms and user-generated content (including forums), Feabie helps users connect on multiple levels – from friends to potential partners or even just acquaintances looking for advice or motivation!

Finding profiles on Feabie is easy – simply enter some basic information about yourself including age range, gender identity/orientation preferences etc., then start browsing through the vast selection of other members’ profiles based off these criteria! There are many different types of users on this platform; ranging from athletes looking for support during their workouts all the way up to experienced bodybuilders seeking out competition at higher levels of fitness training. No matter what level you’re at when it comes to physical activity there’s sure someone else here who can relate – so don’t be shy about reaching out!

Currently there are over 5 million active users registered across five countries: United States, Canada , Australia , New Zealand & Ireland . This makes finding someone close by very likely if you live in one those areas but no worries if not because everyone around world can still join conversations via chat rooms & discussion boards available within each country group section which help bring together communities regardless distance between them !

The main focus behind creating Feabie was always connecting people with similar interests while also providing helpful resources related topics they care most about ; whether ‘s latest diet trends new exercise techniques nutritional tips weight loss plans more . All sorts educational materials provided free charge give great insight into how achieve desired goals whatever may be along guidance needed get started right away making process easier than ever before !

Lastly once have found compatible matches begin conversing messaging system built directly into application allows send text messages photos videos voice recordings audio clips much anything else want without having leave interface ensuring stay connected quickly efficiently anytime day night make sure never miss beat any conversation happening anywhere site go check it now see why millions already love using feebies services continue growing exponentially every single year !

  • 1.User Profiles: Feabie.com offers detailed user profiles that allow members to showcase their interests, hobbies and lifestyle preferences.
  • 2. Messaging System: Members can send private messages to other users on the site for free, allowing them to connect with potential friends or romantic partners in a safe environment.
  • 3. Photo Galleries: Users can upload photos of themselves as well as browse through photo galleries posted by other members on the site – making it easy for people who share similar interests or lifestyles find each other quickly and easily online!
  • 4. Groups & Forums: The website also features an active forum where like-minded individuals can discuss topics related to plus size dating, health & fitness tips, fashion advice and more! There are also several groups available which focus on specific areas such as “BBW Dating” or “Plus Size Fashionistas” – giving everyone something they will enjoy participating in no matter what their interest is!
  • 5 .Events Calendar : Feabie has an events calendar that allows its members from all over the world post upcoming gatherings so others know when/where these meetups are taking place – this helps create real life connections between people within our community without having any geographical limitations holding us back from meeting up face-to-face with one another !
  • 6 .Blogs : Last but not least ,Feabie’s blog section provides interesting articles written by both staff writers and guest bloggers alike – covering various topics such as body positivity , self love stories , relationship advice etc…This way we make sure there’s always something new happening at our platform every day !

Registration – How Easy Is It?

Registering on the Feabie.com app is a simple process that requires you to provide basic information such as your name, email address, age and gender. You must be at least 18 years old in order to register for an account and begin dating on the app. Once you have submitted this information, you will receive a confirmation email with instructions for verifying your account before being able to access all of its features. After completing verification steps successfully, users can then start browsing profiles of other members who match their interests or preferences by using various search filters available within the platform’s interface – it’s free! They can also create their own profile page where they can upload photos and share more details about themselves if desired; from there they are able to send messages or “likes” directly through Feabie’s messaging system in order initiate conversations with potential matches found during searches conducted throughout the site/app

  • 1.Create a valid email address.
  • 2. Provide a username and password for account security purposes.
  • 3. Agree to the terms of service, privacy policy, and community guidelines upon registration or when prompted during use of Feabie services/features (if applicable).
  • 4. Enter personal information such as age, gender identity/expression, body type etc., in order to create an accurate profile that will be used by other members on the site who are searching for compatible matches or friends with similar interests & experiences (optional).
  • 5 .Upload at least one photo which accurately represents you so that others can recognize you easily while browsing profiles on Feabie’s website (optional but recommended).
  • 6 .Provide payment details if subscribing to any premium features offered by Feabie; these may include additional messaging options beyond basic free membership levels as well as access to exclusive content not available elsewhere online(Optional) 7 .Verify your account via SMS code sent from our servers after completing all required fields above in order for us confirm your identity before granting full access rights within our system(Required) 8 .Acceptance into the social network is subject approval from moderators based off user submitted data – this includes verifying authenticity through manual review process prior allowing usage privileges granted under agreement between parties involved

Design and Usability of Feabie.com

The Feabie.com app has a modern design with vibrant colors and an intuitive layout that makes it easy to navigate. The main page is filled with profile pictures of other users, which can be easily found by searching or filtering through categories like age, location, gender etc. Usability wise the app is quite straightforward; all the necessary functions are clearly laid out on each page so you don’t have to spend time trying to figure things out. With a paid subscription there are some UI improvements such as larger profile photos and more options for customizing your account settings but overall the free version offers enough features without any hassle at all.

User Profile Quality

Feabie.com is a social networking site for people who are into the feederism and fat admiration lifestyle. All user profiles on Feabie are public, meaning anyone can view them without having to be logged in or have an account with the website. Each profile includes a custom bio where users can write about themselves as well as upload photos of themselves if they choose to do so. There is also a “friends” feature that allows you to connect with other members of the community and see what their activity has been like recently on Feabie’s newsfeeds section .

When it comes to privacy settings, there are several options available for users such as hiding your location info from others which will not reveal your city but only indicate how far away another member may be located from you (in kilometers). Additionally, there is no Google or Facebook sign-in feature available at this time; however, fake accounts have been known exist due in part because all profiles must remain public by default upon registration making it easier for scammers and spammers alike take advantage of unsuspecting victims within this particular online community .

For those interested in upgrading their profile status via premium subscription plans , benefits include additional storage space capacity along with more advanced search filters allowing one greater control over whom they interact/connect with when using Feabie’s messaging system(s) among other things – thus giving each individual user more power over how much personal information he/she wishes share publicly versus keeping private while navigating through its various features & functions accordingly!


Feabie.com is a social networking site that offers an online dating service for its members. The website provides users with the opportunity to meet potential partners and build relationships through various features such as messaging, profile creation, photo sharing and more. One of the main advantages of Feabie’s dating platform is its focus on helping individuals find like-minded people who share similar interests or values in life; this helps create stronger connections between two parties which can lead to successful long term relationships. Additionally, it also allows users to filter their search results based on age range or location so they can easily narrow down their options when looking for someone special. On the downside however, some may feel overwhelmed by all these choices due to lack of personalization compared with other sites that offer tailored matchmaking services

The difference between Feabie’s website and app lies mainly in user experience: while both provide access to all available features (including profiles viewing), using mobile devices gives you much faster access than browsing from desktop computers since most functions are optimized specifically for smartphones/tablets usage – thus making your searches easier & quicker! Furthermore, if you’re interested in finding local singles near you then downloading an app might be even better option because it uses GPS technology which makes locating nearby matches even simpler than ever before!

Safety & Security

Feabie.com is a social network for the plus-size community and they take app security very seriously. To ensure that only real people are using their platform, Feabie has implemented several verification methods to keep out bots and fake accounts. All users must verify their email address before being able to use the site’s features; this helps prevent malicious actors from creating multiple accounts or spamming other members of the community with unwanted messages. Additionally, all photos uploaded by users are manually reviewed by moderators who can flag any images deemed inappropriate or offensive as well as detect any potential fraudulent activity on user profiles such as false information about age or location details provided in profile descriptions etc.. For extra protection there is also an optional two-factor authentication feature available which adds another layer of security when logging into your account from new devices/locations – making it harder for hackers to gain access even if they have obtained your login credentials somehow (e.g., through phishing attacks). In terms of privacy policy, Feabie takes its commitment towards protecting user data very seriously and ensures that no personal information will be shared with third parties without explicit consent given by each individual member first – including names, emails addresses & phone numbers etc.. Furthermore all communications between members remain private unless otherwise specified via direct message settings within one’s own profile page where you can choose what type of content should be visible publicly versus privately among friends/followers only respectively

Pricing and Benefits

Paid Subscription on Feabie.com

Feabie.com is a social networking site specifically for people who are interested in the feederism lifestyle and community, which includes gaining and feeding admirers as well as encouraging weight gain among its members. While there is no cost to join or use the basic features of this website, they do offer an optional paid subscription that provides additional benefits such as access to private messaging with other users, unlimited profile views per day, more search options when looking for matches/friends/etc., exclusive content from their blog posts and videos made by admins & moderators within the community etc..

Benefits of Getting a Paid Subscription

  • Access to Private Messaging with Other Users
  • Unlimited Profile Views Per Day
  • More Search Options When Looking For Matches/Friends/Etc. – Exclusive Content From Their Blog Posts And Videos Made By Admins & Moderators Within The Community Etc..

Prices And How Competitive They Are? Currently there are three different levels available: Basic ($9 monthly), Premium ($19 monthly) and VIP ($29 monthly). These prices seem quite competitive compared to similar websites offering premium services at higher rates than what Feabie offers currently; however it should be noted that these prices may change over time so it’s best if you check back regularly before signing up for any plan just in case something has changed since your last visit!

Cancellation Process And Refunds If you decide not to continue using your paid subscription after some period of time then all you need do is cancel your account via “My Account” page under settings menu (or contact customer service directly if needed). All refunds will be processed within 7 business days upon cancellation request being received by our team; please note though that only unused portion of payment can be refunded – i.e., no refunds can be issued once usage period has already started (even partially!).

Do Users Really Need A Paid Subscription On Feabie? It really depends on how much value one places on having accesses like those mentioned above – e.g., private messaging capabilities might come very handy during conversations between two potential partners while searching through profiles could save plenty amounts of precious time spent scrolling down pages manually trying find someone special out there… So ultimately decision whether or not get premium membership lies solely upon user himself but taking into consideration current pricing structure along with offered benefits we believe most would agree that getting such upgrade does make sense indeed!

Help & Support

Feabie.com is a social networking site for people who are interested in the feederism and fat admiration lifestyle. The website provides its users with support services, including forums where members can ask questions or discuss topics related to their interests.

The best way to access support on Feabie is through the Support Center page located at https://www.feabie.com/support/. This page includes links to frequently asked questions (FAQs) as well as contact information if you need further assistance from customer service representatives via email or phone call during business hours Monday-Friday 9am – 5pm EST). Additionally, there are also community moderators available 24/7 that can help answer any queries within minutes of posting them in one of the many discussion threads found throughout Feabie’s forum boards and chat rooms which cover various topics such as relationships, health & fitness advice, body acceptance tips etc..

For those seeking quick answers for commonly asked questions about how certain features work on Feabie or other general inquiries regarding account settings etc., they may find what they’re looking for by visiting http://helpcenter . feebiesupport . com / which contains helpful tutorials and FAQ’s covering most areas of interest related to using this website platform efficiently without having wait around too long waiting for an answer from customer service reps due its prompt response time when it comes resolving user issues quickly!


1. Is Feabie.com safe?

Feabie.com is a social networking website designed for people who are interested in gaining and/or maintaining a healthy lifestyle. The site provides users with the opportunity to connect with other members, share tips and advice on health-related topics, join groups based on their interests or geographical location, participate in forums about fitness and nutrition, as well as access resources such as articles from experts in the field of health & wellness. In terms of safety measures taken by Feabie to protect its user base from malicious activities online, it has implemented various security protocols that ensure all data transmitted through its servers remains secure at all times. Furthermore, each member must agree to abide by Feabie’s Terms Of Service before they can gain full access to the platform; this includes adhering strictly to rules against posting offensive content or engaging in any form of harassment towards other members within the community. Overall then it appears that Feabie takes reasonable steps when it comes protecting its users’ privacy while providing them an enjoyable experience online – so yes we would say that overall febabe is safe!

2. Is Feabie.com a real dating site with real users?

Yes, Feabie.com is a real dating site with real users. It was launched in 2013 and has since become one of the most popular online communities for people who are interested in plus size dating or fat admirers (FA). The website boasts over 250,000 members from all around the world and provides an easy-to-use platform to connect with likeminded individuals. On Feabie you can create a profile, upload photos and videos as well as interact through chat rooms or private messages – just like any other social networking site. You also have access to various groups based on interests such as music genres, TV shows etc., which makes it easier for you to find someone that shares your passions outside of body type preferences. With its wide range of features including photo verification tools designed to ensure user authenticity; this safe environment allows singles seeking relationships without fear of being judged by their physical appearance alone – making it perfect for those looking for genuine connections regardless if they’re attracted primarily by weight or not!

3. How to use Feabie.com app?

Feabie.com is an app designed to help people who are interested in plus-size dating and relationships find others with similar interests. To use the Feabie app, users must first create a profile by providing basic information such as their age, gender identity, body type preferences and other details about themselves that they feel comfortable sharing publicly. Once this step is completed, users can start searching for potential matches using various filters including location or keywords related to what they’re looking for in a partner.

The Feabie app also allows its members to connect with each other through chat rooms where conversations can be had on topics ranging from casual banter all the way up to serious relationship advice or even just venting about life’s frustrations! Additionally there are plenty of opportunities available within the community itself; events like meetups give members chances to get together face-to-face while online groups provide support networks and forums allow discussions between those who share common interests outside of romance too!

4. Is Feabie.com free?

Yes, Feabie.com is free to use! The website offers a variety of features and services that are available for all users without any cost or subscription fee. With the help of this platform, you can connect with like-minded people from around the world who share similar interests as yours. You can join groups, create events and even post blogs on your profile page if you want to express yourself further in an online community setting. Additionally, there are also chat rooms where members can communicate with each other in real time while sharing their thoughts and experiences related to topics they’re passionate about such as health & fitness tips or food recipes etc.. All these amazing features make Feabie one of the best social networking sites out there which anyone could benefit from at no cost whatsoever!

5. Is Feabie.com working and can you find someone there?

Yes, Feabie.com is working and it can be a great place to find someone special. The website has been around since 2012 and offers an online community for those who are looking for friendship or romance with other plus-size individuals. There are many different features on the site that make it easy to connect with others such as chat rooms, forums, private messaging systems, photo galleries and more. It also allows users to search by location so you can easily find people in your area if desired. With its large user base of over 200k members from all over the world there’s sure to be someone out there that fits what you’re looking for!


To conclude, Feabie.com is a great platform for finding partners for dating and making friends with similar interests. The app has an intuitive design that makes it easy to use, allowing users to quickly find what they are looking for without any hassle or confusion. Its safety and security features ensure user data remains safe while its help and support team provide assistance when needed. Additionally, the quality of user profiles on this site is quite good as most members have filled out their profile information in detail so you can get a better idea about them before deciding whether or not to connect with them further. All things considered, Feabie seems like an excellent choice if you’re looking for someone special online!

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Author Andrew Phillips

Andrew Phillips is an experienced writer, specializing in love and relationships. Having written extensively on this subject for various publications, his thoughtful and insightful pieces have been featured in various publications, including The New York Times, Cosmopolitan, and Glamour magazine. Andrew believes that understanding the complexities of relationships is key to unlocking their full potential. His work aims to help readers navigate their relationship struggles with compassion and understanding. When Andrew isn't writing about relationships, he enjoys spending time with his family, playing guitar, and traveling.