Fitness Singles
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  • Convenient
  • Safe
  • Targeted to Fitness Enthusiasts
  • Easy to Use
  • Expensive
  • Limited user base
  • Unclear safety policies
  • No mobile app
  • Matching algorithm not transparent


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Fitness Singles Review – Is It Any Good In 2023?


Fitness Singles is an online dating app that caters to people who are looking for a partner with similar fitness interests. It was founded in 2003 and has grown into one of the largest niche-dating sites on the web, boasting over 2 million active users worldwide. Fitness Singles provides its members with access to various features such as chat rooms, message boards, blogs and photo galleries so they can connect with likeminded individuals from around the world. The platform also offers a mobile application which allows users to easily stay connected while on-the-go or when travelling abroad.

The app is owned by Spark Networks SE (NYSE: LOV), which operates several other popular dating apps including JDate and ChristianMingle among others; however it’s most successful venture remains FitnessSingles due to its large user base across five countries – United States, Canada, Australia , New Zealand & Ireland . As of 2021 there were more than 2 million registered members using this service regularly making it one of the top 5 leading fitness focused social networks globally .

In terms of cost , registration at Fitness singles is free but some additional services may require payment depending upon your plan ; however you can always opt out if you don’t want any extra charges associated with your account . Moreover all premium plans come along side 7 days trial period allowing new customers ample time for testing before committing long term subscription fees .

To get started simply download their iOS / Android compatible App available both through Apple Store/Google Play store respectively or alternatively use website version accessible via desktop browser window ; once done create profile mentioning details about yourself such as age gender etc followed by physical attributes like height weight body type etc finally mention activities related information e g sports played hobbies practiced favorite gyms visited et cetera complete sign up process hit search button start connecting right away !

How Does Fitness Singles Work?

Fitness Singles is an online dating app designed for people who are passionate about fitness and health. It allows users to find potential matches based on their interests, lifestyle preferences, and physical attributes. With over 1 million members worldwide from more than five countries – the United States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and Ireland – Fitness Singles offers a wide range of options when it comes to finding someone special. Users can search for profiles by age group or location; they can also filter results according to specific criteria such as body type or activity level. In addition to providing detailed profile information including pictures and videos of each user’s workouts or activities in order that other users may get a better idea of what kind of person they might be interested in connecting with them , Fitness singles provides several communication tools such as private messaging system , instant chat feature which enables real-time conversations between two people . The app also features various forums where members can discuss topics related to fitness & health while getting advice from experts within the community . This helps create strong relationships among its users through shared experiences & common goals . Finally , there’s even an event calendar so you’ll never miss out on any upcoming events near your area ! All these features make Fitness Singles one stop destination for those looking forward into meeting like minded individuals who share similar passions towards leading healthy lifestyles!

  • 1.Private Photo Galleries: Securely store and share your favorite photos with other members.
  • 2. Activity Reports: Track your progress over time to stay motivated and reach fitness goals faster.
  • 3. Video Profiles: Show off the real you by creating a video profile that expresses who you are as an individual, athlete, or fitness enthusiast!
  • 4. Advanced Search Filters: Narrow down potential matches based on specific criteria such as location, age range, physical attributes & lifestyle choices like smoking/drinking habits etc..
  • 5. Message Boards & Groups : Join forums for conversations about topics related to health and wellness or start up group activities with people who have similar interests in sports and exercise routines .
  • 6 Instant Messaging : Quickly connect with others through private one-on-one messaging feature

Registration – How Easy Is It?

Registering on the Fitness Singles app is a straightforward process. First, you need to provide your basic information such as gender, age (the minimum required age for registration is 18 years old), location and email address. Then you will be asked to create a username and password that are unique to your account. After this step, it’s time for creating an attractive profile by adding photos of yourself along with some personal details like hobbies or interests which can help other members find out more about who you are before messaging them. Once all these steps have been completed successfully then users may start browsing through profiles of potential matches based on their preferences in terms of physical activities they enjoy doing together or locations where they would like to meet up etc.. Registration on the Fitness Singles app is free so anyone over 18 years old can join without any cost involved!

  • 1.Provide a valid email address
  • 2. Create a username and password
  • 3. Enter your gender, age, height and weight
  • 4. Upload at least one profile photo
  • 5. Describe yourself in the “About Me” section of your profile
  • 6. Select activities you are interested in (e.g., running, swimming)
  • 7. Specify the type of relationship you are looking for (e..g friendship or long-term dating) 8 . Agree to Fitness Singles Terms & Conditions

Design and Usability of Fitness Singles

The Fitness Singles app has a modern design with bright colors that make it inviting and easy to use. It is simple to find profiles of other people, as the search bar allows you to narrow down results based on location, age range and interests. The usability of the app is great; navigation between pages is smooth and intuitive, making it straightforward for users to access different features quickly. There are no UI improvements when purchasing a paid subscription but there are additional features such as being able see who liked your profile or send messages without having them read first.

User Profile Quality

Profiles on Fitness Singles are public, meaning anyone can view them. Users have the ability to set a custom bio and add photos in order to make their profile more attractive. There is also a “Favorites” feature that allows users to keep track of other members they like or find interesting. Privacy settings allow users the option of hiding certain parts of their profile from others as well as blocking specific people from viewing it altogether. Signing up with Google or Facebook makes registration easier but does not affect privacy settings at all since those accounts are kept separate from user profiles on Fitness Singles itself. Location info reveals only city names, so there is no indication given about distance between two users unless one chooses to share this information themselves in their custom bio section for example . Premium subscription offers additional benefits such as being able to see who has viewed your profile and access advanced search filters which include location parameters too if desired . Fake accounts appear very rarely due making sure that every new account undergoes an approval process before becoming active


Fitness Singles is an online dating website specifically designed for people who are interested in finding a partner with similar fitness interests. It allows users to create profiles, search and view other members’ profiles, communicate via private messages or live chat rooms, and even plan activities together such as workouts or group events. The main advantages of the site include its easy-to-use interface which makes it convenient for those new to online dating; the ability to find matches based on specific criteria like age range and location; plus various safety features that help protect against scams or frauds.

The Fitness Singles app offers many of the same features as their website but also includes additional options like profile customization tools, push notifications when someone views your profile/likes you back/messages you etc., along with more detailed matchmaking capabilities including compatibility scores between two users. Additionally, since it’s mobile friendly there is no need to be tied down by desktop computers making it easier than ever before to stay connected while on-the-go! One major difference between this app versus their website version is that all communication must take place within the application itself rather than being able through emails outside of FitnessSingles’ domain – something important keep in mind if privacy concerns are present!

At this time there isn’t a dedicated Fitness Singles dating site available although they do offer both web browser access (via computer) & mobile applications (for Android & iOS). This could potentially be due either because they haven’t yet developed one OR simply don’t have enough resources allocated towards creating one at this point in time – regardless though customers can still use any combination of these services mentioned above without issue so long as internet connection exists!

Safety & Security

Fitness Singles is committed to ensuring the security of its users. The app has implemented several measures to protect user data and prevent malicious activity such as bots, fake accounts, and other forms of abuse. To ensure only real people are using the service, Fitness Singles requires a verification process for all new members which includes email address validation or mobile phone number confirmation before access is granted. Additionally, photos uploaded by users must be manually reviewed by moderators in order to detect any inappropriate content that may violate their terms of use policy. Furthermore, two-factor authentication (2FA) can also be enabled on your account so you can secure it with an extra layer of protection against unauthorized logins from outside sources.

When it comes to privacy policies at Fitness Singles they take every precaution necessary when handling personal information provided by their customers including but not limited too; collecting only essential information required for registration purposes while adhering strictly GDPR guidelines concerning storage & processing procedures within EU member states along with implementing SSL encryption technology across all webpages & applications providing additional layers defense against potential cyber attacks or data breaches

Pricing and Benefits

Fitness Singles is a dating app that caters to people who are interested in fitness and an active lifestyle. The app is free to download, but users have the option of upgrading their membership for additional features.

The paid subscription on Fitness Singles provides access to more detailed search options, unlimited messaging with other members, and advanced profile visibility settings. Here are some of the benefits:

  • Detailed Search Options – Allows you to narrow down your searches by specific criteria such as location or interests
  • Unlimited Messaging – Send messages without any limits or restrictions                  – Advanced Profile Visibility Settings – Increase your chances of being seen by potential matches through increased exposure on search results pages
                                                                                                                               – Access To Exclusive Events & Offers– Get exclusive offers from partner companies related to health and wellness products/services

The prices for these subscriptions vary depending on how long you sign up for; 1 month costs $34.99 while 6 months cost $119.94 ($19 per month). These prices are quite competitive compared with similar services offered elsewhere which can range anywhere from around $20-$50 per month depending upon length of subscription purchased..      Cancellation process & refunds depend upon when exactly one cancels his/her account within the duration they signed up initially; if it’s done before completion then there will be no refund given whereas after completing full tenure then only partial refund might be applicable based upon remaining days left out in current plan cycle period . Users should read all terms carefully prior signing up so as not make any mistakes later due cancellation issues arising out thereof .    Do users really need a paid subscription? It depends entirely on what kind of experience they want from using this service — those looking for more comprehensive searching capabilities may find it worth investing in a premium membership ,while others may prefer sticking with basic version itself .

Help & Support

Fitness Singles provides a range of support options for its users. The first option is to use the website’s help page, which can be accessed by clicking on ‘Help & Support’ at the bottom of any page. This section contains answers to commonly asked questions and guides on how to use various features of Fitness Singles. It also includes contact information if you need further assistance from customer service representatives. Users can also get in touch with customer service via email or phone call – both methods are available 24/7 so customers have access around-the-clock support when needed most urgently. The response time depends on what type of query it is but generally speaking emails will receive a reply within one business day while calls should expect an answer almost immediately as they are answered in order received by trained professionals who specialize in resolving user issues quickly and efficiently .
Finally, there is an online chat feature that allows users to talk directly with someone from Customer Service team without having wait times associated with either calling or sending emails – this means queries will usually be resolved much faster than other methods mentioned above!


1. Is Fitness Singles safe?

Fitness Singles is a safe and secure online dating platform. The site takes the safety of its members seriously, using an array of security measures to protect their personal information and keep scammers away. All new profiles are manually reviewed by staff before being approved for use on the website, ensuring that all users have legitimate intentions when joining Fitness Singles. Additionally, each user’s profile must include at least one photo in order to be visible to other members; this helps ensure that everyone who uses the site is genuine about finding someone special through it. Furthermore, every communication between two users goes through a secure server which encrypts any sensitive data shared between them – including emails or instant messages sent via chat rooms – so you can rest assured your private conversations remain just that: private!

2. Is Fitness Singles a real dating site with real users?

Yes, Fitness Singles is a real dating site with real users. It has been around since 2003 and boasts over 2 million members worldwide. The site caters to singles who are looking for someone who shares their passion for fitness and an active lifestyle. Members can search through profiles based on various criteria such as age, location, interests or activities they participate in like running or yoga classes. They also have the option of using the “Hot List” feature which allows them to view potential matches quickly by rating them from 1-5 stars according to how attractive they find each profile photo displayed on it. Additionally, members can join forums where discussions about health topics take place and even get advice from certified personal trainers if needed!

3. How to use Fitness Singles app?

Using the Fitness Singles app is easy and straightforward. First, you will need to create an account by providing your email address or connecting with Facebook. Once registered, you can start browsing through profiles of other users who share similar interests in fitness activities as yourself. You can search for potential matches based on criteria such as age range, location and gender preference. If someone catches your eye, simply send them a message to initiate contact! The messaging feature allows you to communicate directly with other members so that you can get to know each other better before deciding if it’s worth taking things further outside of the app environment. Additionally, there are various chat rooms available where like-minded people come together for discussions about health topics or just general conversations about life experiences related to fitness pursuits – these provide great opportunities for networking too!

4. Is Fitness Singles free?

Fitness Singles is not a free service. However, it does offer a 3-day trial membership for $7.95 that allows users to access all of the features available on the site and see if they are interested in becoming full members before committing to pay for an entire month or year subscription. The monthly fee starts at $29.99 per month, while annual subscriptions start at just under $20 per month when paid annually upfront (which works out as one of the best value online dating sites).

5. Is Fitness Singles working and can you find someone there?

Fitness Singles is a dating site specifically designed for people who are passionate about fitness and health. It has been around since 2003, so it’s had plenty of time to build up its user base and create an effective matching system. The website boasts that over 2 million members have used the service in order to find someone special with whom they can share their love of physical activity or healthy living habits.

The website offers several features such as private messaging, chat rooms, forums and instant messaging which make it easy for users to communicate with each other before meeting in person. Additionally, Fitness Singles also provides search tools allowing you to filter potential matches by age range, gender preference or location – making sure that you only connect with those who meet your criteria! All these features combined makes this platform one of the most popular among singles looking for a partner based on similar interests related to fitness activities or lifestyles choices like vegetarianism/veganism etc..

Overall yes – Fitness Singles does work if you’re serious about finding someone compatible through shared interest in physical activity & lifestyle choices; however success will ultimately depend on how much effort put into creating meaningful connections online first before taking things offline further down the line!


In conclusion, Fitness Singles is a great app for people who are looking to find partners with similar interests in fitness and health. The design of the app is simple and easy to use, making it convenient for users to search through profiles quickly. Additionally, the safety and security features on this platform ensure that all members have an enjoyable experience without any worries about their personal information being shared or stolen. Furthermore, help and support from customer service representatives are available when needed so that users can get assistance whenever they need it. Finally, user profile quality is generally good as most members provide detailed descriptions of themselves along with photos which makes finding potential matches easier than ever before! All things considered; Fitness Singles provides an excellent way for singles interested in physical activity to meet like-minded individuals while having fun at the same time!

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Author Ryan Moore

Ryan Moore is a dating expert and writer who specializes in reviews of online dating sites and apps. He has been writing about online dating since the early days of the internet, and has since become an invaluable resource for those looking to find the right dating platform for them. He has a deep understanding of the online dating landscape, and knows what to look for in order to find the best match for any given user. He is passionate about helping people find meaningful connections, and his reviews are always honest and thorough. He also enjoys using his knowledge and expertise to help others navigate the sometimes confusing world of online dating.