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Flirtual Review 2023


Flirtual is a social media platform that allows users to meet new people, make friends and even find love. It was founded in 2013 by two college students who wanted to create an online space for singles looking for companionship. Since then, the app has grown into one of the most popular dating apps on the market with over 10 million active users worldwide.

The main focus of Flirtual is connecting like-minded individuals from all walks of life so they can get to know each other better and form meaningful relationships or friendships. The app offers several features such as profile customization options, instant messaging capabilities and advanced search filters which help you narrow down your potential matches based on age range, location etc.. Users also have access to exclusive events hosted by Flirtual where they can meet up with their connections in person if desired.

Flurital’s user base consists mostly of young adults between 18-35 years old but anyone above 13 years old may register an account provided parental consent is given when signing up minors under 16 years old . Registration process requires basic information such as name , email address , gender & date birth along with photo uploads before gaining full access . There are no charges associated using this service however there are optional premium subscription plans available should someone wish upgrade their experience further than what’s offered free tier memberships provide .

The company behind this platform operates out USA but its services extended across five countries including UK Canada Australia New Zealand & Ireland making it one largest international platforms its kind currently operating today recent reports show nearly 3 million daily active monthly visitors taking advantage fluritals various offerings since launch 2014 continuing grow popularity amongst younger generations especially those interested finding romantic partners through digital mediums . An Android version mobile application released 2015 followed iOS 2016 allowing registered users stay connected anywhere anytime without having be near computer desktop device logon website directly though still possible do so both versions offer same core functionalities just different presentation formats depending personal preferences style devices being used them time usage more convenient easier manage whenever needed go about business day lives away home office desktops laptops tablets smartphones alike regardless situation found themselves within any particular moment instance could message send photos videos audio files easily quickly securely way would want regular text messages standard phone calls well keeping track conversations notifications alerts received while away connection lost due poor signal reception times too giving much peace mind knowing won’t miss anything important happens while logged off take break recharge batteries whatever reason necessary long short term basis nevertheless plenty reasons why somebody might choose use either applications suit needs best whether work play leisure entertainment purposes combined order maximize overall benefits derived them course fully compatible cross platforms meaning able switch back forth multiple types single sign credentials login details only once save hassle entering data manually everytime switching type machine environment change occurs saving lots valuable time energy resources general terms conditions apply regulations restrictions concerning certain activities done privacy safety security concerns taken seriously monitored actively managed accordingly ensure everybody safe secure enjoyable experience at end day afterall these matters always top priority everyone involved system itself must remain clean healthy viable ecosystem sustain continue growing prospering throughout foreseeable future beyond current generation lifespan existence comes close conclusion say least good luck happy hunting everyone!

How Does Flirtual Work?

Flirtual is a revolutionary dating app that allows users to connect with potential partners from all over the world. The key features of this app include its simple and intuitive user interface, powerful search engine for finding compatible matches, and comprehensive privacy settings. It also has an extensive range of options for connecting with people in different countries; users can filter their searches by location or even language preference if they wish. Additionally, Flirtual offers detailed profiles so that you can get to know someone before deciding whether or not to pursue them further.

The process of finding potential dates on Flirtual is easy – simply create your profile using basic information such as age, gender identity/preference and interests then use the search bar at the top right corner to find other members who match your criteria best! You will be presented with a list of results which you can browse through until you find someone suitable enough for communication purposes – there are millions upon millions registered users worldwide so chances are high that no matter what type person it is you’re looking for (or where they come from) there will always be somebody out there waiting just around the corner!

Currently most active Flirtual members hail from five main countries: United States (30%), India (20%), China (15%) , Russia(10%)and Brazil(5%). Each country brings something unique when it comes down choosing prospective partners due cultural differences between each nation- but ultimately everyone should have access same opportunities regardless nationality background etcetera since one thing we all share common ground being human beings afterall ! This means anyone anywhere could potentially meet special someones without having worry about geographical boundaries getting way .

When communicating via messages within this platform make sure stay respectful honest open minded– remember both parties need feel comfortable order build strong connection time goes along . There plenty helpful tips advice available online help better understand dynamics relationships well ensure safety security while engaging conversations others too ! Last but certainly least don’t forget take advantage great feature “like” button which lets show appreciation those whose profiles caught eye easily quickly let them know interested starting conversation soonest possible date 🙂

  • 1.Voice-controlled AI assistant: Flirtual allows users to control their device using voice commands, allowing them to quickly and easily access information or complete tasks.
  • 2. Customizable home screen: Users can customize the look of their home screen with widgets, shortcuts, and more for a personalized experience.
  • 3. Contextual reminders: Flirtual will remind you of upcoming events based on your location or calendar entries so that you never miss an important date again!
  • 4. Smart notifications: Receive only relevant notifications from apps such as weather updates when they are most useful to you throughout the day instead of being overwhelmed by constant alerts all at once!
  • 5 .Integrated search engine : Quickly find what you need with powerful integrated search capabilities across multiple platforms including webpages , images , videos & more !
  • 6 .Personalized recommendations : Get tailored content suggestions based on your interests & preferences for easy discovery !

Registration – How Easy Is It?

The registration process on the Flirtual app is quite straightforward. First, you need to provide your name and email address along with a password for your account. Then, you will be asked to create a profile by providing some basic information about yourself such as age, gender identity and sexual orientation. You can also add pictures of yourself if desired but it’s not mandatory at this stage of the sign-up process. After submitting all these details, users are required to verify their accounts via an email sent from Flirtual that contains an activation link which needs to be clicked in order for them to access their profiles fully. The minimum age requirement for dating on the app is 18 years old and registering on Flirtual is free of charge! Once registered successfully, users can start browsing other people’s profiles or even search specifically according to certain criteria like location or interests in order find potential matches they might want get into contact with

  • 1.User must provide a valid email address.
  • 2. User must create a unique username and password combination that meets the site’s security requirements.
  • 3. User must agree to Flirtual’s Terms of Service and Privacy Policy before registering an account on the platform
  • 4. Users under 18 years old are required to have parental consent prior to registration
  • 5. A mobile phone number is required for verification purposes during sign up process
  • 6 .User should be able confirm their identity by providing personal information such as name, date of birth, etc., when prompted by Flirtual upon registration 7 .Users will need access to either Facebook or Google+ in order to connect with other users on the platform 8 .A profile picture is optional but recommended for better user experience

Design and Usability of Flirtual

The Flirtual app has a bright and vibrant design, with colors that are easy on the eyes. The overall layout is simple and intuitive, making it easy to find profiles of other people quickly. Navigating through the different features within the app is straightforward as well, allowing users to easily use all of its functions without any difficulty. Additionally, when you purchase a paid subscription there are some UI improvements such as larger profile pictures for better visibility which makes using this social media platform even more enjoyable.

User Profile Quality

User profile quality on Flirtual is quite high. All profiles are public, so anyone can view them and learn more about the user. Users have the ability to set a custom bio which allows them to express themselves in their own words. There is also a “friends” feature or something similar that helps users connect with others they know or would like to get acquainted with. Privacy settings are available for users who want extra security when it comes to sharing personal information online; there is even an option for Google and Facebook sign-in features if desired by the user as well as measures taken against fake accounts being created on Flirtual’s platform.
Location info in one’s profile can be hidden from other members but does reveal your city of residence should you choose not too hide it; however, there isn’t any indication of distance between two people – just how far away they live from each other based off cities listed within profiles . Premium subscription holders do benefit from having access exclusive content such as additional privacy settings, personalized matchmaking options and special offers depending upon what type of account has been purchased..


Flirtual is a popular social media platform that has recently launched its own dating website. The site allows users to create profiles, search for potential matches and communicate with other members in the network. It also provides features such as private messaging, photo sharing and video chat capabilities. One of the main advantages of Flirtual’s dating website is its user-friendly interface which makes it easy to navigate around and find compatible partners quickly. Additionally, users can filter their searches based on age range or location so they are more likely to meet someone who meets their criteria for an ideal match.

The primary disadvantage of using Flirtual’s dating website compared to its app version is that there are fewer features available on the web version than what you would get from downloading the mobile application onto your device directly; this includes access to exclusive events organized by local businesses or clubs in addition some additional tools like “icebreakers” designed specifically for online daters looking make meaningful connections faster without having awkward conversations first time out! Furthermore, since many people prefer apps over websites when it comes down finding love online due convenience factor alone – this could be seen as another downside if you’re hoping attract lots attention via desktop devices instead phones/tablets etc.. Ultimately though whether choose use either one will depend upon personal preference how much effort willing put into making sure profile stands out from crowd – regardless however always good idea have both options open up just case!

Safety & Security

Flirtual is an app that provides users with a secure platform to meet and interact with new people. It takes security seriously, implementing various measures to ensure the safety of its users. To start off, Flirtual has implemented a verification process for all accounts which includes manual review of photos as well as two-factor authentication options such as email or phone number verification. This helps in preventing bots and fake accounts from infiltrating the system while also providing assurance that other user profiles are real individuals looking for genuine connections. Furthermore, Flirtual employs AI technology to detect any suspicious activity on their platform like spam messages or inappropriate content so they can take action against it quickly and efficiently before it spreads further across the network. In addition, there is also an extensive privacy policy in place where all personal data collected by Flirtual will be kept safe from unauthorized access through encryption techniques used both at rest and during transmission over networks making sure no one else gets access without permission from the owner first .

Pricing and Benefits

Is a Paid Subscription on Flirtual Necessary?

Flirtual is an app that connects people with others who have similar interests. It offers free and paid subscription options, so users can decide which best suits their needs. The question remains: do users really need to pay for the service? Let’s take a look at what each option entails in order to answer this question.

Free Option

The free version of Flirtual allows access to basic features such as creating profiles, searching for other members based on shared interests or location, messaging friends and acquaintances directly through the app, etc.. However there are certain limitations – ads may appear during use of the platform; also some premium features like advanced search filters will not be available without paying for them.

Paid Subscription Benefits & Prices

With a paid subscription comes additional benefits such as no advertisements while using the platform; more advanced search filters allowing you to find exactly what you’re looking for faster; exclusive discounts from partners when purchasing products or services related to your interest areas within Flirtual; unlimited messages sent between members regardless of whether they are contacts already saved in your phone book or not (with no message limit). All these perks come at three different price points depending on how long one wishes their membership period lasts – monthly ($9/month), quarterly ($24/quarter) and yearly ($72/year). These prices seem quite competitive compared with those offered by competitors offering similar services.

Cancellation Process & Refunds

If someone decides that they don’t want continue being part of this community anymore then it’s possible cancel anytime without any penalties attached – simply go into settings > subscriptions > tap ‘cancel’ button next corresponding plan selected earlier (monthly / quarterly / yearly); after cancellation all payments made up until that point will be refunded back automatically according customer payment method used originally purchase plan itself (credit card statement if applicable too).    
  ## Conclusion                               It seems clear now that having a paid subscription isn’t necessary but rather just beneficial since most core functionalities remain accessible even if user opts out getting one particular package deal associated specific time frame commitment-wise . Whether choose stay subscribed forever keep coming back periodically check updates new content added regularly , depends entirely individual preferences goals mind set accordingly!

Help & Support

Flirtual is an online platform that provides users with a variety of services. It also offers support to its customers when they have any queries or need help using the platform.

The first way you can access support on Flirtual is through their website, which has a dedicated page for customer service and FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions). On this page, you will find information about how to contact them via email as well as answers to some common questions related to their products and services. The response time from the customer service team at Flirtual usually ranges between 24-48 hours depending on the complexity of your query or issue.

In addition, there are several phone numbers available where you can call in case of emergency issues such as technical problems or payment errors etc., These numbers are staffed by trained professionals who provide prompt assistance during business hours so that your problem gets resolved quickly without causing too much disruption in your daily activities. Furthermore, if none of these options suit your needs then there’s always live chat option available which allows users to get instant responses from experts within minutes!


<!– wp:yoast/faq-block {"questions":[{"id":"faq-question-9468730855595","question":["1. Is Flirtual safe?"],"answer":["Flirtual is generally considered to be a safe app. It has been designed with safety in mind, and it takes measures such as age verification for users over 18 years old, allowing only verified accounts to interact with each other, and using moderation tools like flagging inappropriate content or blocking certain users. Additionally, the app provides tips on how to stay safe online when meeting people from the internet. All of these features make Flirtual an overall secure platform that can be used safely by its members."],"jsonQuestion":"1. Is Flirtual safe?","jsonAnswer":"Flirtual is generally considered to be a safe app. It has been designed with safety in mind, and it takes measures such as age verification for users over 18 years old, allowing only verified accounts to interact with each other, and using moderation tools like flagging inappropriate content or blocking certain users. Additionally, the app provides tips on how to stay safe online when meeting people from the internet. All of these features make Flirtual an overall secure platform that can be used safely by its members."},{"id":"faq-question-2221501047545","question":["2. Is Flirtual a real dating site with real users?"],"answer":["No, Flirtual is not a real dating site with real users. It was created as part of the MTV show \"Eye Candy\” and is only used for entertainment purposes. The website does not offer any kind of matchmaking services or allow its members to interact with each other in any way. Instead, it provides an online platform where viewers can explore different characters from the show and learn more about them through their profiles and posts on social media sites like Twitter, Instagram, Facebook etc. While there are some fake accounts associated with Flirtual that appear to be genuine people looking for dates or relationships, these are all just actors playing roles on the show rather than actual users who have signed up to use this service for legitimate reasons.”],”jsonQuestion”:”2. Is Flirtual a real dating site with real users?”,”jsonAnswer”:”No, Flirtual is not a real dating site with real users. It was created as part of the MTV show \”Eye Candy\” and is only used for entertainment purposes. The website does not offer any kind of matchmaking services or allow its members to interact with each other in any way. Instead, it provides an online platform where viewers can explore different characters from the show and learn more about them through their profiles and posts on social media sites like Twitter, Instagram, Facebook etc. While there are some fake accounts associated with Flirtual that appear to be genuine people looking for dates or relationships, these are all just actors playing roles on the show rather than actual users who have signed up to use this service for legitimate reasons.”},{“id”:”faq-question-3533326463204″,”question”:[“3. How to use Flirtual app?”],”answer”:[“Using the Flirtual app is easy and straightforward. To get started, simply download the app from your device’s respective App Store or Google Play store. Once installed, you’ll be prompted to create an account with a username and password of your choice. After that, you can start exploring all of its features! \n\nThe main page allows users to browse through other user profiles in their area as well as view any upcoming events nearby they may want to attend or participate in. You can also search for specific people by name if desired using the \u201cSearch\u201d tab at the top right corner of the screen; this feature makes it easier than ever before to find friends who are already on Flirtual! Additionally, users have access to messaging capabilities which allow them stay connected with each other even when not physically together \u2013 perfect for those long-distance relationships! Lastly but certainly not leastly (yes we made up a word), there is an interactive map function so that users can see where their friends are located around town – great for coordinating meetups or group activities quickly and easily without having endless back-and-forth conversations about location details over text messages\/calls etc.. All these features make Flirtual one of most convenient social networking apps available today \u2013 try it out now & see what everyone\u2019s talking about!!”],”jsonQuestion”:”3. How to use Flirtual app?”,”jsonAnswer”:”Using the Flirtual app is easy and straightforward. To get started, simply download the app from your device’s respective App Store or Google Play store. Once installed, you’ll be prompted to create an account with a username and password of your choice. After that, you can start exploring all of its features! \n\nThe main page allows users to browse through other user profiles in their area as well as view any upcoming events nearby they may want to attend or participate in. You can also search for specific people by name if desired using the \u201cSearch\u201d tab at the top right corner of the screen; this feature makes it easier than ever before to find friends who are already on Flirtual! Additionally, users have access to messaging capabilities which allow them stay connected with each other even when not physically together \u2013 perfect for those long-distance relationships! Lastly but certainly not leastly (yes we made up a word), there is an interactive map function so that users can see where their friends are located around town – great for coordinating meetups or group activities quickly and easily without having endless back-and-forth conversations about location details over text messages\/calls etc.. All these features make Flirtual one of most convenient social networking apps available today \u2013 try it out now & see what everyone\u2019s talking about!!”},{“id”:”faq-question-9149852698458″,”question”:[“4. Is Flirtual free?”],”answer”:[“Yes, Flirtual is free to use. The app allows users to connect with people in their area and chat for free. It also provides a platform where users can find friends or even potential romantic partners based on common interests and activities they share. With its simple interface, it’s easy to get started right away without any cost involved. Additionally, the app offers several features that make connecting with others easier such as private messaging options and group chats so you can keep up-to-date with your social circle at all times without having to pay anything extra for it!”],”jsonQuestion”:”4. Is Flirtual free?”,”jsonAnswer”:”Yes, Flirtual is free to use. The app allows users to connect with people in their area and chat for free. It also provides a platform where users can find friends or even potential romantic partners based on common interests and activities they share. With its simple interface, it’s easy to get started right away without any cost involved. Additionally, the app offers several features that make connecting with others easier such as private messaging options and group chats so you can keep up-to-date with your social circle at all times without having to pay anything extra for it!”},{“id”:”faq-question-9577396425521″,”question”:[“5. Is Flirtual working and can you find someone there?”],”answer”:[“Flirtual is a dating app that has been gaining popularity in recent years. It allows users to connect with potential partners through the use of an algorithm that matches people based on their interests and preferences. The app also provides a variety of features such as messaging, profile customization, and even video chat for those who are looking for more than just casual conversations. With its user-friendly interface and wide range of options, it’s no wonder why Flirtual has become so popular among singles looking to find someone special online. Yes, you can definitely find someone there if you take the time to explore all your options!”],”jsonQuestion”:”5. Is Flirtual working and can you find someone there?”,”jsonAnswer”:”Flirtual is a dating app that has been gaining popularity in recent years. It allows users to connect with potential partners through the use of an algorithm that matches people based on their interests and preferences. The app also provides a variety of features such as messaging, profile customization, and even video chat for those who are looking for more than just casual conversations. With its user-friendly interface and wide range of options, it’s no wonder why Flirtual has become so popular among singles looking to find someone special online. Yes, you can definitely find someone there if you take the time to explore all your options!”}]} –>

1. Is Flirtual safe?

Flirtual is generally considered to be a safe app. It has been designed with safety in mind, and it takes measures such as age verification for users over 18 years old, allowing only verified accounts to interact with each other, and using moderation tools like flagging inappropriate content or blocking certain users. Additionally, the app provides tips on how to stay safe online when meeting people from the internet. All of these features make Flirtual an overall secure platform that can be used safely by its members.

2. Is Flirtual a real dating site with real users?

No, Flirtual is not a real dating site with real users. It was created as part of the MTV show "Eye Candy" and is only used for entertainment purposes. The website does not offer any kind of matchmaking services or allow its members to interact with each other in any way. Instead, it provides an online platform where viewers can explore different characters from the show and learn more about them through their profiles and posts on social media sites like Twitter, Instagram, Facebook etc. While there are some fake accounts associated with Flirtual that appear to be genuine people looking for dates or relationships, these are all just actors playing roles on the show rather than actual users who have signed up to use this service for legitimate reasons.

3. How to use Flirtual app?

Using the Flirtual app is easy and straightforward. To get started, simply download the app from your device’s respective App Store or Google Play store. Once installed, you’ll be prompted to create an account with a username and password of your choice. After that, you can start exploring all of its features!

The main page allows users to browse through other user profiles in their area as well as view any upcoming events nearby they may want to attend or participate in. You can also search for specific people by name if desired using the “Search” tab at the top right corner of the screen; this feature makes it easier than ever before to find friends who are already on Flirtual! Additionally, users have access to messaging capabilities which allow them stay connected with each other even when not physically together – perfect for those long-distance relationships! Lastly but certainly not leastly (yes we made up a word), there is an interactive map function so that users can see where their friends are located around town – great for coordinating meetups or group activities quickly and easily without having endless back-and-forth conversations about location details over text messages/calls etc.. All these features make Flirtual one of most convenient social networking apps available today – try it out now & see what everyone’s talking about!!

4. Is Flirtual free?

Yes, Flirtual is free to use. The app allows users to connect with people in their area and chat for free. It also provides a platform where users can find friends or even potential romantic partners based on common interests and activities they share. With its simple interface, it’s easy to get started right away without any cost involved. Additionally, the app offers several features that make connecting with others easier such as private messaging options and group chats so you can keep up-to-date with your social circle at all times without having to pay anything extra for it!

5. Is Flirtual working and can you find someone there?

Flirtual is a dating app that has been gaining popularity in recent years. It allows users to connect with potential partners through the use of an algorithm that matches people based on their interests and preferences. The app also provides a variety of features such as messaging, profile customization, and even video chat for those who are looking for more than just casual conversations. With its user-friendly interface and wide range of options, it’s no wonder why Flirtual has become so popular among singles looking to find someone special online. Yes, you can definitely find someone there if you take the time to explore all your options!


In conclusion, Flirtual is a great dating app for those looking to find partners. It has an easy-to-use design and good usability that make it simple to navigate the platform. The safety and security of users are also taken seriously with multiple measures in place such as profile verification processes. Help and support from customer service agents is available if needed, but user profiles can be improved by adding more information about their interests or hobbies so potential matches have better insight into them before connecting. All in all, Flirtual provides a reliable way for people to meet new partners online without having any major issues along the way!

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Author Andrew Phillips

Andrew Phillips is an experienced writer, specializing in love and relationships. Having written extensively on this subject for various publications, his thoughtful and insightful pieces have been featured in various publications, including The New York Times, Cosmopolitan, and Glamour magazine. Andrew believes that understanding the complexities of relationships is key to unlocking their full potential. His work aims to help readers navigate their relationship struggles with compassion and understanding. When Andrew isn't writing about relationships, he enjoys spending time with his family, playing guitar, and traveling.