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  • 1. Easy to use
  • 2. Free membership options
  • 3. Variety of singles from different backgrounds
  • Lack of safety features
  • Limited search options
  • High cost


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Is IWantBlacks the Right Dating Spot for You?


IWantBlacks is an online dating platform that connects African-American singles with other like-minded individuals. The app was launched in 2018 and has since become one of the most popular platforms for black singles to meet, chat, and date. With over 5 million active users from all around the world, IWantBlacks offers a safe space where people can find their perfect match without any judgement or discrimination.

The app was created by two entrepreneurs who wanted to create a community specifically designed for African Americans looking for love. It’s free to use but there are also premium features available such as advanced search filters and unlimited messaging options which require payment before they can be accessed. In addition, IWantBlacks provides its members with safety tips on how best to protect themselves when meeting someone new offline as well as advice on creating successful relationships through communication tools like video chats and voice calls .

Currently owned by Global Personals LLC., this mobile application is especially popular in five countries: USA , Canada , UK , Australia & New Zealand . Over 1 million registered users come from these regions alone making it one of the biggest dating sites catering exclusively towards Black Singles worldwide! Furthermore due its popularity amongst young adults aged 18 – 25 years old; many celebrities have endorsed this service too!

Users can access Iwantblacks via web browser or download our dedicated iOS/Android App (available both at Apple Store & Google Play). Signing up takes just few minutes – simply fill out your profile information including age range you prefer plus gender then start browsing profiles right away ! You will be able view photos along side personal interests so you get better idea if person matches what you’re looking for relationship wise !

How Does IWantBlacks Work?

IWantBlacks is an app that connects people of African descent around the world. It’s a platform for users to meet, chat and connect with each other based on their shared culture and heritage. The key features of IWantBlacks include location-based search, profile creation, messaging system and user reviews & ratings. With this app you can find profiles from different countries all over the world – including USA, UK Canada Australia South Africa etc., as well as users from many other nations across Europe Asia Middle East Latin America Caribbean Islands Pacific islands etc..

The main way to use IWantBlacks is by creating your own profile where you can add information about yourself such as age gender interests hobbies profession education background relationship status family life goals values religious beliefs lifestyle choices political views favorite music movies books sports teams celebrities travel destinations events activities food recipes languages spoken cultural experiences current projects career aspirations business ideas investments or any thing else that defines who you are in order to attract potential matches with similar backgrounds or interests. You also have access to advanced filters which help narrow down your searches according to specific criteria like age range country language spoken ethnicity religion occupation income level educational attainment marital status sexual orientation children pets politics hobbies habits vices likes dislikes etc… so it’s easy for anyone looking for someone special within a certain demographic group or geographic area .

In addition there are two types of memberships available on I Want Blacks: Free Membership (limited access) & Premium Membership (unlimited access). As a free member one has limited options when it comes searching through profiles but premium membership gives full control over what type of person they want contact – whether its someone local just passing through town short term fling long distance romance serious commitment marriage soul mate whatever! There’s no limit how many connections one make using this service since currently more than 5 million registered members worldwide come together everyday share stories build relationships create new opportunities form lasting bonds discover common ground open up possibilities forge lifelong friendships exchange advice provide support offer encouragement spread love hope joy peace happiness success prosperity knowledge wisdom understanding compassion empathy tolerance respect acceptance appreciation friendship camaraderie brotherhood sisterhood unity harmony justice equality freedom power courage faith trust strength honor loyalty kindness grace humility generosity humanity forgiveness mercy beauty creativity imagination innovation progress growth development enlightenment inspiration motivation ambition dreams visions optimism determination resilience patience perseverance spirituality wellness health wealth abundance gratitude joyfulness celebration serenity tranquility mindfulness contentment balance satisfaction inner peace liberation emancipation spiritual awakening healing transformation divine intervention miracles synchronicities blessings positive energy unconditional love light truth passion purpose destiny bliss higher consciousness universal connection sacredness sanctity divinity eternal existence beyond time space physical reality metaphysical realm cosmic awareness source energy godliness goodness holiness eternity infinity purest forms Love Divine Unconditional Universal Oneness All That Is…etc….

  • 1.Unique selection of high-quality African American products, including books, apparel and accessories.
  • 2. Exclusive discounts on select items throughout the year.
  • 3. Free shipping for orders over $50 in the US and Canada (excludes Alaska & Hawaii).
  • 4. Dedicated customer service team to answer any questions or concerns you may have about your order or product inquiries..
  • 5 .Secure online payment options such as PayPal, Visa/Mastercard/American Express accepted through our secure checkout system .
  • 6 .Gift cards available for purchase so that friends and family can share their love with IWantBlacks!

Registration – How Easy Is It?

Registering on the IWantBlacks app is a simple process. To begin, users will need to download the app from either Google Play or Apple Store and open it up. After that, they’ll be prompted to enter their personal information such as name, email address and date of birth before creating a password for their account. Once all these details have been submitted correctly, users can start searching for potential matches in no time! The minimum age requirement to join this dating platform is 18 years old; however anyone above this age range may register free of charge regardless of gender or sexual orientation. After submitting your registration details you’ll be able access different features like messaging other members who are compatible with you according to your preferences set during signup – including distance filters which allow you narrow down results based on how far away people live from each other – so finding someone special has never been easier!

  • 1.Create a username and password
  • 2. Provide valid email address
  • 3. Agree to the terms of service and privacy policy
  • 4. Enter full name, age, gender, ethnicity (optional)
  • 5. Upload profile picture or choose from existing library
  • 6. Verify phone number via SMS code
  • 7. Select interests/hobbies for matching purposes 8 . Set up payment information if desired

Design and Usability of IWantBlacks

The IWantBlacks app has a modern design with dark colors and bold fonts. The overall look is sleek, stylish, and easy to navigate. It’s simple to find profiles of other people on the app; users can search by location or interests, as well as browse through suggested matches based on their preferences. Usability-wise, the app runs smoothly without any lags or crashes; all features are easily accessible from the main page for quick navigation. For those who purchase a paid subscription there are some UI improvements such as additional profile filters that make it easier to narrow down potential matches quickly and efficiently.

User Profile Quality

The user profiles on IWantBlacks are public, meaning anyone can view them. Users have the ability to set a custom bio and there is no “friends” feature or anything similar. Privacy settings available to users include hiding their location info if they choose not to reveal it; however, this will still indicate the city in which they live as well as any indication of distance between other users. There is also an option for Google or Facebook sign-in but there are some fake accounts that should be avoided when searching through profiles.

Premium subscriptions offer additional benefits such as more detailed profile information including age range and interests along with access to exclusive content like videos and pictures from members who subscribe at a higher level than others do. Additionally, premium subscribers get priority customer service support so their questions/concerns can be addressed quickly by experienced professionals rather than waiting for responses from non-premium members who may not receive timely assistance due to lack of resources allocated towards free account holders’ inquiries .

Overall, IWantBlacks offers quality user profiles with plenty of privacy options allowing you customize your experience while browsing potential matches without having too much personal information revealed publicly unless you want it shared openly among all visitors on the website – making sure everyone feels comfortable during their search process! Premium subscription definitely has its advantages but even those without one still have full control over what gets displayed about themselves online ensuring maximum safety & security throughout entire time spent using platform’s services!


IWantBlacks has a dating website that provides users with an easy and convenient way to meet potential partners. The site is free to join, allowing people of all ages and backgrounds the opportunity to find someone special in their area. It also offers features such as advanced search filters, which make it easier for users to narrow down their choices based on criteria like age range or location. Additionally, IWantBlacks allows members access exclusive events where they can mingle with other singles in person while enjoying activities like bowling or karaoke nights.

The main difference between the IWantBlack’s website and app is that the former requires registration before being able use its services whereas no account creation is necessary when using the latter version of this platform; however both versions offer similar features including profile building tools, chat rooms & private messaging capabilities among others . Some advantages include quick sign up process , ease of navigation through profiles & intuitive design ; but there are some disadvantages too such as limited user base due lack of promotion from company itself .

At present time , unfortunately there isn’t any dedicated dating site by Iwantblacks yet . This could be because either they have not launched one yet or maybe due insufficient resources needed for creating a successful online matchmaking service alongwith providing support staff required after launch etc.. As soon enough if we see them launching something related then surely more details will come out about same later on !

Safety & Security

IWantBlacks is committed to providing its users with a secure platform for online dating. To ensure the security of all user accounts, IWantBlacks has implemented various verification methods and safeguards against bots and fake accounts. All new members must go through an extensive identity verification process before they can access their account or interact with other users on the site. This includes manually reviewing photos as well as using AI technology to detect any potential fraudulent activity from automated bot programs that could be used by malicious actors attempting to gain unauthorized access into user profiles. Additionally, two-factor authentication (2FA) is available for those who wish to further protect their data from hackers or cybercriminals trying out different passwords in order to break into someone’s profile without permission.

When it comes down privacy policy at IWantBlack, we take your safety seriously! We have put together comprehensive measures such as SSL encryption protocols which are designed specifically towards protecting our member’s personal information when transferring data between devices and servers over the internet connection . Furthermore , all communication between members within our app will remain confidential unless otherwise agreed upon by both parties involved . Lastly , we also make sure that third party services utilized by us do not collect nor store any sensitive information about you whatsoever

Pricing and Benefits

IWantBlacks is an app that allows users to find and connect with black professionals in their area. The basic version of the app is free, but there are additional features available for a paid subscription.

The paid subscription offers access to more detailed profiles, exclusive events, discounts on products and services from partners of IWantBlacks as well as other benefits such as:

  • Access to private groups where members can discuss topics related to career development or entrepreneurship

  • Priority notifications when new job postings become available

  • Invitations for networking opportunities

  • Discounts on professional courses or certifications
                                       Price & Refund Policy ​              IWantBlack’s premium membership costs $9.99 per month (or $99 annually). This price point makes it competitive compared with similar apps offering similar services at higher prices points. Furthermore, customers have the option of cancelling their subscriptions anytime without any penalty fees; however refunds will not be issued if they cancel within 14 days after purchase date . All refund requests must be submitted via email within 30 days after purchase date and include customer name , order number , payment method used etc.. Once approved by our team you should expect your funds back in 5-7 business days depending on your bank/card issuer processing times .
      Overall , while many users may get value out of using the free version only ; those who want extra perks like priority notifications about jobs posting or discounts could benefit from getting a paid subscription plan through Iwantblacks .

Help & Support

IWantBlacks is a great platform for users to access support when they need it. The website has several options available for those who require assistance, so no matter what the issue may be, help can easily be found.

The first way that you can access support on IWantBlacks is through their contact page which provides an email address and phone number where inquiries can be sent or called in respectively. Response times are usually quite fast with emails being answered within 24 hours and calls typically being responded to immediately during business hours. Additionally, there’s also a FAQ section on the site which contains answers to commonly asked questions about various topics related to using IWantBlacks such as payment methods or account security measures; this allows customers who don’t want (or have time)to wait for customer service reps get quick solutions without having any additional hassle involved .

Finally, if none of these options suit your needs then you could always use social media platforms like Twitter and Facebook as well as other online forums where people discuss issues related specifically towards using IWantBlack services; here too response times tend not vary much from one another although sometimes responses might take longer due depending upon how busy staff members are at certain moments in time but generally speaking most queries should still receive satisfactory replies regardless of whichever route chosen by end-users seeking help regarding their accounts/services provided by them


1. Is IWantBlacks safe?

IWantBlacks is generally considered to be a safe website. The site has been in operation since 2006 and it takes measures to ensure that all of its users are protected from malicious activity. It uses advanced security protocols such as SSL encryption, which helps protect user data from being accessed by third parties. Additionally, the site also requires all members to verify their identity before they can access any content or services on the platform, ensuring that only legitimate individuals have access. Finally, IWantBlacks provides customer support for any issues related to safety and privacy concerns so users can get help if needed. All these factors make IWantBlacks a secure online destination for those looking for black dating opportunities with like-minded people who share similar interests and values

2. Is IWantBlacks a real dating site with real users?

IWantBlacks is a real dating site with real users. It was founded in 2013 and has since become one of the most popular online dating sites for black singles looking to find love, friendship, or just someone to chat with. The website boasts over 2 million members from all around the world and offers its services free of charge. IWantBlacks also provides various features such as detailed profiles that allow you to get an idea about potential matches before deciding whether or not they are right for you; private messaging so that conversations can be kept discreet; and even video chatting which allows users to connect on a more personal level than text-based communication alone could provide. All these features make it easy for people seeking out relationships through this platform while providing them with plenty of opportunities when it comes time to meet up in person if desired by both parties involved

3. How to use IWantBlacks app?

Using the IWantBlacks app is a simple and straightforward process. First, users will need to download the free app from either Apple’s App Store or Google Play. Once installed on their device, they can create an account with just a few taps of their finger. After that, users are ready to start browsing through all of the amazing products available in black-owned businesses across America!

The home page provides easy access to featured stores as well as categories like fashion & accessories, beauty & wellness and more so you can quickly find what you’re looking for without having to search too hard. You’ll also be able to see exclusive deals offered by select retailers which makes it even easier for shoppers who want great value when shopping online! Finally once you’ve found something special that catches your eye simply add it into your cart then proceed checkout using secure payment methods such as PayPal or credit card – making sure your transaction is safe every step of the way!

4. Is IWantBlacks free?

IWantBlacks is not a free service. It requires users to purchase a subscription in order to access the full range of features and content available on the site. Subscriptions are offered at different levels, with varying prices depending on what type of membership you choose. The basic level includes access to profiles, messaging capabilities, and other essential services; while higher tiers offer additional benefits such as video chat options or advanced search filters for more specific results.

5. Is IWantBlacks working and can you find someone there?

Yes, IWantBlacks is working and it is possible to find someone there. The website provides a variety of features that make finding the right person easier than ever before. Users can search for potential matches by location, age range, interests or even physical characteristics such as height and body type. They also have advanced filters so users can narrow down their searches further if they wish to do so. Additionally, members are able to communicate with each other through private messaging systems in order to get better acquainted prior to meeting up in real life if desired. All these features combine together create an environment where people from all walks of life are able connect with one another easily and quickly without having any worries about safety or privacy concerns which makes IWantBlacks a great place for anyone looking for love online!


In conclusion, IWantBlacks is a great app for finding partners for dating. It has an intuitive design and user-friendly interface that makes it easy to navigate through the features of the app. The safety and security measures are robust enough to protect users from any potential risks while using this platform. Moreover, help and support services are provided by dedicated professionals who can assist with all kinds of queries or issues related to the application in no time at all. Lastly, its user profile quality is excellent as well since they provide detailed information about each member which helps one find compatible matches easily without wasting much time on searching around aimlessly. All these factors make IWantBlacks a reliable option when looking out for online dating platforms that offer convenience along with privacy protection simultaneously!

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Author Elizabeth Walker

Elizabeth Walker is a freelance writer and editor specializing in topics related to love, sex, and online dating. With a background in psychology, Elizabeth is passionate about relationships and the complex dynamics of human connection. She has written extensively on topics such as long-distance relationships, navigating the online dating world, and mastering the art of communication. Her writing has been featured in some of the top online publications, and she loves helping readers gain insight and clarity in their own relationships. When she's not writing, Elizabeth enjoys exploring the outdoors, reading, and learning new things.