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Is OasisDating the Best Place to Find Love and Romance?


OasisDating is an online dating platform that has been connecting singles around the world since 2008. It was founded by a group of entrepreneurs in Australia and quickly grew to become one of the most popular free dating sites on the web. The app offers users access to millions of potential matches from over 150 countries, with its main focus being on helping people find long-term relationships or even just casual dates.

The OasisDating app is owned by 3H Group Pty Ltd., which also owns other successful apps such as RSVP and PlentyOfFish (POF). Currently, it boasts more than 11 million active members worldwide who are looking for romance, friendship or fun conversations – making it one of the largest social networks available today! In terms of popularity among users, this platform ranks highest in five countries: Brazil, Mexico, India , Canada and France .

Using OasisDating is completely free; however there are some additional features you can purchase if desired such as priority listing in search results or extra profile space etc.. Furthermore they offer their own mobile application so that you can stay connected while on-the-go via your smartphone device – both Android & iOS versions are available for download through respective App Stores.

Joining up only takes a few minutes too – all you need to do is provide basic information about yourself including age range preference/location/interests etc… After completing registration process successfully your account will be ready for use immediately allowing full access to website’s functionality without any restrictions whatsoever!

How Does OasisDating Work?

The OasisDating app is a great way to meet new people and find potential partners. It has an easy-to-use interface that allows users to search for profiles based on criteria such as age, location, interests, and more. Users can also view other user’s photos before deciding if they want to connect with them or not. The app offers two types of membership – free and premium – so everyone can join regardless of their budget constraints. With over 20 million members from all around the world including Australia, United States, Canada, India and Brazil it’s one of the most popular dating apps available today!

When using OasisDating you will be able to browse through hundreds of thousands of different profiles in order to find someone who matches your specific needs or desires best. You are then able filter further by refining your search results according gender preference (male/female), sexual orientation (straight/gay) etc., which makes finding exactly what you’re looking for much easier than ever before! Additionally there is even a special ‘Discover’ feature where you can explore various activities related topics that interest both yourself as well as others within the community – making meeting likeminded individuals effortless yet fun at same time too!

Once registered with OasisDating users have access multiple communication options; these include sending messages directly via text chat box provided on each profile page along private emails should prefer something bit more discreet instead? Moreover those seeking casual encounters may use ‘flirt’ option instead whereby send out playful winks notifications show another person interested without having reveal any personal information whatsoever first either – perfect choice anyone feeling bit shy start conversation off themselves!. Furthermore because safety always comes priority here social media integration features enabled allow verify identity easily thus giving peace mind when connecting complete strangers online environment we live in nowadays!.

For added convenience all conversations between members stored securely servers accessible anytime wish review again later date should need do so meaning never miss important message accidently delete anything by mistake either!. Finally every account must verified real human being rather than computer bot automated system prevent fake accounts flooding platform malicious intentions therefore ensuring genuine interactions only occur throughout website experience possible..

In conclusion thanks its wide range features advanced security measures built into place make sure safe secure enjoyable journey while searching soulmate life partner alike!,Oasis Dating certainly stands apart competition providing truly unique unparalleled service helping bring compatible couples together worldwide no matter background ethnicity culture religion choose belong !

  • 1.Instant Messaging: Allows users to quickly and easily connect with other members.
  • 2. Advanced Search Filters: Enables users to search for potential matches based on their specific criteria, such as age, location, interests etc.
  • 3. Compatibility Matching System: Uses a sophisticated algorithm to match compatible singles according to lifestyle preferences and values
  • 4. Photo Galleries & Video Profiles: Users can upload photos or videos of themselves in order to better showcase who they are and what they’re looking for in a partner
  • 5 .Virtual Gifts & Flirts : Send virtual gifts or flirts (a quick way of expressing interest) directly from the OasisDating platform
  • 6 .Secure Online Dating Environment : All personal information is kept secure through SSL encryption technology

Registration – How Easy Is It?

To register on the OasisDating app, users must first provide their email address and create a password. They will then be asked to enter basic information such as gender, age (the minimum required age is 18 years old), location and other details about themselves. Once all of this has been completed, they can upload photos or videos if desired before submitting the registration form. After submitting these details, users are free to start browsing profiles in order to find potential matches based on shared interests or hobbies – it’s completely free for anyone over 18 years old! Users may also opt-in for additional features like chat rooms where they can interact with others who share similar interests as them – an ideal way to meet new people without having to leave home!

  • 1.A valid email address
  • 2. User name and password
  • 3. Date of birth
  • 4. Gender identity
  • 5. Country of residence
  • 6. Mobile phone number (optional)
  • 7. Acceptance of terms & conditions, privacy policy and other legal documents related to the service provided by OasisDating 8 .Confirmation that you are 18 years or older

Design and Usability of OasisDating

The OasisDating app has a bright and vibrant design, with bold colors that make it stand out. The interface is easy to navigate and the layout of the profiles makes it simple to find what you’re looking for. With intuitive search functions, users can easily locate other people’s profiles in seconds. Additionally, usability features such as swipe gestures allow users to quickly interact with each other on the platform. Paid subscriptions offer additional UI improvements like better profile customization options which enhance user experience even further when using this dating app.

User Profile Quality

On OasisDating, user profiles are public and can be viewed by all users. You can set a custom bio in your profile but there is no “friends” feature or something similar available. Privacy settings are available to users so they can control who sees their information on the platform. There is also a Google or Facebook sign-in feature for added security against fake accounts and other malicious activities online. Location info in your profile includes city name only; you cannot hide this information nor does it indicate the distance between two users as well as any benefits of having a premium subscription associated with it either .

When creating an account on OasisDating, privacy options allow you to choose what type of personal data will be visible such as age range, gender identity etc., which helps protect from unwanted attention from strangers outside of your preferences/interests specified within the app itself . Additionally , when setting up an account , there is an option to use Google or Facebook authentication for extra security measures against potential fraudsters attempting access through false identities created using bogus emails addresses etc.. This makes sure that genuine people have access while weeding out those looking just to cause trouble without consequence due too being anonymous otherwise .

Finally , regarding location info in one’s profile – this reveals only city names rather than exact address locations ; however if desired , one may opt not include their current residence at all during registration process thereby completely hiding where they live altogether should they wish do so ( though obviously doing so would mean missing out certain advantages offered exclusively via premium subscriptions ). All things considered then – Oasis Dating offers good quality profiles along with adequate levels privacy protection ensuring safe environment its members enjoy interacting each other freely without fear harassment stalking whatsoever else might come way unwelcome visitors / intruders upon site


OasisDating is a popular dating website that offers its users an easy and convenient way to find potential partners. It has been around for over 10 years, providing singles with the opportunity to meet new people in their area or from all over the world. The site features several tools such as search filters, matchmaking algorithms and chat rooms that help users connect with each other quickly and easily. Additionally, OasisDating also provides members with safety tips on how to stay safe while online dating so they can have a pleasant experience without any worries about security issues.

In addition to its website platform, OasisDating also has an app available for download on both iOS and Android devices which allows users more flexibility when it comes to finding matches anywhere at anytime of day or night! The main difference between the two platforms is that while using the app you are able access your profile directly from your phone instead of having go through logging into their account via web browser like you would do if accessing through computer/laptop device . This makes it easier for those who don’t always have accesses laptop but still want be able use this service whenever needed!

At present time there isn’t a dedicated Oasisdatinng site available however this may change in future due lack of demand since most modern daters prefer apps rather than sites these days because they offer convenience & portability making them much more accessible option compared traditional websites where user must log onto PC before being allowed sign up process begin ! Furthermore , many companies now realize importance mobile technology means therefore investing heavily creating applications better cater needs customers today’s digital age .

Safety & Security

OasisDating takes the security of its users very seriously. To ensure that all accounts are genuine, OasisDating has a comprehensive verification process in place to protect against bots and fake accounts. All new user profiles must be verified via email or SMS before they can access their account on the app. Additionally, photos uploaded by members are manually reviewed by moderators for any inappropriate content or behavior before being approved and published on the platform. For extra protection, two-factor authentication is also available as an option when logging into your account so you can rest assured knowing that only you have access to it at all times. In terms of privacy policy, Oasis Dating is committed to protecting your personal information with utmost care and attention while using this service – from collecting data responsibly through secure channels such as HTTPS encryption technology up until deleting them securely once no longer needed for legitimate purposes stated in our Privacy Policy agreement which outlines how we handle user data collected from our website/applications

Pricing and Benefits

Is OasisDating Free or Does it Require a Paid Subscription?

OasisDating is free to join and use, but users can upgrade their membership for additional features. These include seeing who has viewed your profile, using advanced search filters, sending messages without limits and more. A paid subscription on Oasis Dating also allows access to exclusive events like virtual speed dating sessions.

Benefits of Getting a Paid Subscription

  • See who has viewed your profile Price: $4/month

  • Use advanced search filters Price: $8/month

  • Send unlimited messages Price: $12/month

  • Access exclusive events such as virtual speed dating sessions No extra cost with any plan Total price per month ranges from 4-12 USD depending on the chosen plan Cancellation process is simple – just go into account settings and click “cancel” at least 48 hours before renewal date; refunds are not available unless you cancel within 14 days of purchase (terms & conditions apply). All plans come with a 3 day trial period so that users can test out the service first before committing to anything long term. Users do not need an upgraded subscription in order to find matches or communicate effectively through the app – basic functions are still accessible even if one does not pay for an upgrade! However those looking for added benefits may consider investing in one of these packages which offer great value compared to other similar services out there today!

Help & Support

OasisDating provides its users with various ways to access support. The first way is through the ‘Help’ page on their website, which can be found at the bottom of every page. Here you will find answers to commonly asked questions and a contact form that allows you to submit any queries or issues directly for assistance from OasisDating’s customer service team. The response time varies depending on how busy they are but usually it takes no more than 24 hours before someone responds back via email or phone call if necessary.

Another way of accessing support is by sending an email directly using the address provided in your account settings once logged into OasisDating . This method also ensures quick responses as all emails sent here are monitored closely and answered promptly by members of staff who have experience dealing with user enquiries specifically related to this dating platform . Again, it should take no longer than 24 hours for them get back in touch so long as there isn’t too much demand being placed upon them during peak times such as weekends when many people tend use online services like these more often then usual .

Finally , customers can always opt for calling up one of their dedicated helplines which operate between 9am – 5pm Monday-Friday (excluding bank holidays). These lines provide direct access help from experienced agents who understand exactly what needs doing in order resolve any issue quickly without having wait around too long waiting a reply over email/contact form submission etc… Generally speaking though , most problems can be solved within minutes rather then days !


1. Is OasisDating safe?

Yes, OasisDating is a safe online dating platform. The site has an extensive privacy policy that outlines how your personal information will be used and protected. It also provides tips on staying safe while using the service, such as not sharing any sensitive or financial information with other members and always meeting in public places for the first few dates. Additionally, all profiles are manually verified to ensure they belong to real people who have provided accurate details about themselves. Furthermore, there is a team of moderators available 24/7 who monitor activity on the website so any suspicious behaviour can be quickly addressed and reported if necessary. All these measures make sure that users feel secure when looking for love through OasisDating’s services

2. Is OasisDating a real dating site with real users?

Yes, OasisDating is a real dating site with real users. It has been around since 2008 and boasts over 11 million members worldwide. The website provides its users with an easy-to-use platform to meet other singles in their area or from all over the world who share similar interests and values. Users can search for potential matches using various criteria such as age, location, gender preference etc., view profiles of those they are interested in getting to know better and send messages back and forth through the messaging system provided by OasisDating. Additionally, it also offers some unique features like virtual gifts which can be sent between members as well as photo verification so that you know exactly who you’re talking to online before meeting them face-to-face for a date!

3. How to use OasisDating app?

Using the OasisDating app is a great way to meet new people and start building relationships. The first step in using the app is creating an account. You can do this by entering your email address, setting up a password, and providing some basic information about yourself such as age, gender, location etc. Once you have created your profile you will be able to search for other users who are located near you or around the world that share similar interests with you.

The next step would be connecting with potential matches through messaging them directly on their profiles or sending “icebreaker” messages which allow users to send pre-written questions like "What’s something interesting about yourself?" This allows both parties to get comfortable before engaging in further conversation if they choose too.

Once conversations begin flowing it’s important not only keep talking but also meeting face-to-face when possible so that real connections can form between two individuals instead of just online ones! It may take time for things progress from there but don’t give up hope because many couples have found true love after starting out on OasisDating!

4. Is OasisDating free?

Yes, OasisDating is free to use. It offers a range of features that allow users to search for potential partners and communicate with them without having to pay any fees. Users can create an account on the website and start searching for matches right away. The site also provides access to advanced features such as messaging, instant chat, video calls, profile viewing options and more – all at no cost! Furthermore, OasisDating has several safety measures in place which ensure that members are protected from scammers or malicious activities while using the platform. This makes it one of the safest dating sites available online today.

5. Is OasisDating working and can you find someone there?

Yes, OasisDating is working and it can be a great way to find someone special. The website has millions of users from all over the world who are looking for friendship, romance or even marriage. It offers many features that make finding compatible matches easier such as its advanced search function which allows you to narrow down your options based on criteria like age, location and interests. Additionally, there are chat rooms where you can get to know other members better before deciding if they’re right for you. Overall, OasisDating provides an easy-to-use platform with plenty of opportunities to meet new people so it’s definitely worth giving a try!


In conclusion, OasisDating is a great app for those looking to find partners for dating. The design and usability of the app are excellent; it’s easy to navigate and use. Safety and security features are also strong with user profiles being verified by staff members before they can be used on the site. Help and support from customer service representatives is available 24/7 in case users need assistance or have any questions about using the platform. Finally, user profile quality on OasisDating is generally good as most people take time to fill out their information accurately so that potential matches know what they’re getting into when contacting them through this platform. All in all, we would highly recommend giving OasisDating a try if you’re looking for an online dating experience!

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Author Elizabeth Walker

Elizabeth Walker is a freelance writer and editor specializing in topics related to love, sex, and online dating. With a background in psychology, Elizabeth is passionate about relationships and the complex dynamics of human connection. She has written extensively on topics such as long-distance relationships, navigating the online dating world, and mastering the art of communication. Her writing has been featured in some of the top online publications, and she loves helping readers gain insight and clarity in their own relationships. When she's not writing, Elizabeth enjoys exploring the outdoors, reading, and learning new things.