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Altscene Review 2023 – Is It Perfect Or Scam?


Altscene is an online dating and social networking app that has been connecting people from all over the world since its launch in 2006. It was created to provide a safe, welcoming environment for alternative lifestyles such as goths, punks, emos and metalheads. The platform has grown exponentially over the years with more than 1 million active users worldwide today who are looking for friendship or romance.

The Altscene team consists of passionate professionals who have worked hard to create an easy-to-use interface where members can connect quickly without any hassle or fuss. Members can also take advantage of many features including forums and blogs where they can share their thoughts on music genres like punk rock, heavy metal and indie pop; chat rooms so they don’t miss out on conversations happening around them; groups which allow them to join communities related to their interests; events listings that help keep track of upcoming gigs near you etc.. Altscene is owned by AltScene Ltd., based in London UK but it’s most popular among users located in USA , Canada , Australia , New Zealand & United Kingdom .

Joining Altscene is free! All one needs do register themselves via email address after which a confirmation link will be sent through mail – click this link within 24 hours before your account gets deleted automatically due to non verification process . Once registered successfully user get access too complete website content along with ability use apps available both iOS & Android devices . Apps offer same feature set as main website does however optimized mobile experience allowing faster navigation between pages/features when compared against desktop version !

How Does Altscene Work?

The Altscene app is a social networking platform designed to connect alternative music fans from around the world. It offers users an easy way to find like-minded people and discover new bands, events, venues and more. The key features of the app include profiles for both individuals and groups; private messaging; user reviews on albums, gigs or other topics related to alternative music culture; as well as live streaming video content from concerts or festivals.

Finding potential friends or contacts on Altscene is simple: you can search by location (city/country), interests (bands/genres) or age group in order to narrow down your results quickly. You can also browse through existing profiles which are sorted into different categories such as ‘Bands’, ‘Venues’ etc., so that it’s easier for you find what type of profile best suits your needs. There are currently over 500 thousand registered users spread across 5 countries – USA , UK , Germany , France & Canada .

For those who want their voice heard within the community there are several options available including creating polls about upcoming releases or writing reviews about past shows they have attended – all with just one click! Users can even join discussion forums where they discuss anything related to alternative music culture ranging from album recommendations right up until gig suggestions in their local area . This helps create a sense of belonging among members while simultaneously giving them access exclusive news updates regarding newly released tracks before anyone else knows !

Altscene allows its members not only stay connected but also get involved with various activities happening near them – whether it be attending small intimate gigs at underground clubs nearby hosting larger scale events featuring international acts ; this ensures everyone has something interesting going on every week ! Furthermore due recent addition ‘Live Streams’ feature now means no matter how far away someone may be located still able experience same atmosphere without having leave comfort own home!

Finally if need help finding specific information relating artist / band then helpful staff team always hand provide assistance whenever needed via direct message system ensuring each query answered promptly efficiently manner possible time frame allowing continue enjoying full benefits membership offer hassle free fashion

  • 1.Comprehensive Profile Creation: Create a detailed profile with pictures, interests and hobbies to find the perfect match.
  • 2. Advanced Search Options: Filter searches by location, age range, gender identity/sexual orientation and more.
  • 3. Message Board Feature: Chat with other members in real-time or post messages on public forums for everyone to see.
  • 4. Matchmaking System: Get matched up based on your preferences using our advanced algorithm system that takes into account all of your details from your profile page as well as any search criteria you enter when searching for potential matches online!
  • 5 . Events Calendar : Keep track of upcoming events near you such as concerts, meetups and gatherings related to alternative music & culture so you can easily connect with likeminded people in person too!
  • 6 . Privacy Settings : Control who sees what information about yourself through various privacy settings available within Altscene’s user interface – allowing only those users whom have been granted access permission view certain aspects of their profiles

Registration – How Easy Is It?

To register on the Altscene app, users will need to provide their name, email address and a password. They must also indicate their gender identity and sexual orientation as well as create an account username. After submitting these details, they will be required to verify their email address by clicking on a link sent in an automated message from Altscene before being able to access the full features of the app. Once verified, users can start searching for potential matches based on age range or location using filters such as music taste or lifestyle preferences that are available within each profile page. The minimum age requirement for dating through this platform is 18 years old and registration is free of charge with no hidden fees involved at any stage during sign up process or after it has been completed successfully.

  • 1.Provide a valid email address.
  • 2. Create an account username and password that meets the site’s requirements for length, complexity, etc.
  • 3. Agree to the terms of service and privacy policy outlined on Altscene’s website prior to registration completion
  • 4. Submit personal information such as name, age/date of birth (optional), gender identity (optional)
  • 5 .Upload a profile photo or avatar image in accordance with size specifications set by Altscene
  • 6 .Provide additional details about yourself including interests, music preferences ,etc.(Optional). 7 .Verify your account via link sent to provided email address upon sign up 8 .Activate two-factor authentication if desired

Design and Usability of Altscene

The Altscene app has a modern and vibrant design, with bright colors that make it visually appealing. The main page features an intuitive layout of categories to help you find what you’re looking for quickly. Profiles are easy to locate by searching or browsing through the list of users in your area or around the world. Usability is also great; all menus and functions are clearly labeled, making navigation straightforward even for new users. If you upgrade to a paid subscription, there aren’t any UI improvements but more exclusive content becomes available such as access to premium groups and events within the community.

User Profile Quality

The quality of user profiles on Altscene is generally good. All users have public profiles, which can be viewed by anyone who visits the site. It’s possible to set a custom bio and upload photos or videos as part of your profile too. There’s also a “friends” feature that allows you to connect with other members easily and keep track of their activities on the platform.

Privacy settings are available for all users so they can control how much information about themselves is visible to others online, including whether or not their location info appears in their profile page – it’s possible to hide this if desired but there isn’t any indication given regarding distance between two people based off this data alone either way . Signing up via Google or Facebook accounts is an option though fake accounts do exist unfortunately due some less scrupulous individuals taking advantage of these features occasionally .

Finally those with premium subscriptions get access additional benefits such as being able create multiple albums , having unlimited messages sent out per day & priority customer support amongst other things – making them attractive options for many potential customers looking take full advantage what AltScene has offer !


Altscene is a popular online dating website that caters to alternative people looking for love and friendship. It has been around since 2004, providing an inclusive platform for those who don’t fit into the mainstream of society. The site offers many features such as profile creation, messaging system, search engine and photo galleries which make it easy to find potential matches with similar interests. One of its main advantages is that it allows users to be themselves without fear of judgement or discrimination from other members on the site. Additionally, Altscene provides detailed profiles so you can get a better understanding about someone before deciding if they are right for you or not.

The downside of using Altscene is that there isn’t currently an app available yet; however this could change in future updates as technology advances further down the line allowing more access points than just through desktop computers alone . This means some may have difficulty accessing their account when away from home due to lack mobile compatibility at present time but hopefully this will soon become available too! While there’s no dedicated dating app at this moment in time , what makes up for it somewhat are all the additional features like user-generated events listings where singles can meet up face-to-face – something lacking on most apps today!

Safety & Security

Altscene is a popular dating site and app that takes security seriously. The platform has implemented various measures to ensure the safety of its users, including verifying each user’s identity through an email address or phone number. This verification process helps protect against bots and fake accounts by making sure all profiles are legitimate. Altscene also manually reviews photos uploaded by users to make sure they don’t contain any inappropriate content before allowing them on the platform. Additionally, two-factor authentication can be enabled for added protection when logging in from different devices or locations.

In terms of privacy policy, Altscene ensures that all personal data collected from its members is kept secure and confidential at all times according to GDPR regulations set forth in Europe’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). All information shared with third parties will only be used for purposes related directly to providing services requested by customers such as payment processing companies who need access customer billing information if applicable; no other use shall be made without prior consent from customers themselves firstly obtained via explicit opt-in form provided within their account settings page accessible after successful login into website/app interface itself respectively speaking about both versions available out there currently present across marketplaces worldwide nowadays indeed!

Pricing and Benefits

Altscene is a free dating app that provides users with an opportunity to meet new people and find potential matches. The app does not require any payment for its basic features, which include setting up a profile, browsing other profiles, sending messages and viewing photos.

However, Altscene also offers premium membership plans for those who want access to additional features such as advanced search filters or the ability to view more than one photo per user profile. These paid subscription plans come in three tiers: Silver ($9/month), Gold ($19/month) and Platinum ($29/month).

Benefits of Paid Subscription Plans:

  • Access to advanced search filters * View multiple photos per user profile
  • Send unlimited messages * Get priority customer support

The prices are quite competitive compared with similar services offered by other dating apps on the market today. Additionally, users can cancel their subscriptions at any time without penalty or hassle; refunds will be issued if requested within 14 days of purchase date according to Altscene’s refund policy guidelines.

Overall it really depends on what kind of experience you’re looking for when using this service – if you just need basic functionality then there is no need for a paid subscription plan but if you want extra benefits then they may be worth considering depending on your budget and preferences!

Help & Support

Altscene is a great online community for alternative music lovers. It offers many ways to access support if you need help with anything related to the site or its services.

The first way of accessing support on Altscene is through their contact page, which can be found in the footer of every page on the website. Here users can fill out an enquiry form and submit it directly to Altscene’s customer service team who will respond as soon as possible – usually within 24 hours depending on how busy they are at that time. Additionally, there is also an email address provided where users can send any questions or queries they may have about using Altscene and expect a response back from someone knowledgeable in no more than 48 hours.

Finally, those seeking immediate assistance from one of Alscene’s friendly customer service representatives should take advantage of their telephone helpline number available Monday-Friday between 9am-5pm GMT+1 (excluding bank holidays). This line allows customers to speak directly with someone who has expertise regarding all aspects relating to useage and functionality when browsing this unique platform dedicated solely towards underground music culture worldwide! Furthermore, for quick answers concerning commonly asked questions there exists a FAQ section located at the bottom right hand corner under ‘Help & Support’ tab which provides useful information such as account settings details etc…


1. Is Altscene safe?

Altscene is generally considered to be a safe online community. The site has taken steps to ensure that its members are protected from malicious activity, such as the use of strong passwords and two-factor authentication for logging in. Additionally, Altscene offers users the ability to block or report any suspicious behavior they may encounter while using the platform. They also have moderators who review all reported content and take appropriate action if necessary. All personal information shared on Altscene is kept private unless otherwise specified by an individual user’s privacy settings; this includes photos, videos, messages sent through chat rooms or forums etc.. In general it can be said that Altscene provides a secure environment where people can meet likeminded individuals without fear of being exposed to dangerous situations online.

2. Is Altscene a real dating site with real users?

Yes, AltScene is a real dating site with real users. It was created in 2008 as an alternative to mainstream online dating sites and caters specifically to those who identify themselves as goth, emo or punk. The website offers its members the ability to connect with other like-minded individuals across the world for friendship, romance and even marriage. In addition to having profiles of singles from all over the globe, it also has many features that make it easier for people on different levels of commitment – whether they are looking for casual dates or something more serious – find each other easily and quickly without any hassle. AltScene prides itself on being open minded towards anyone regardless of their gender identity/expression, sexual orientation or relationship status so everyone can feel comfortable while using this platform no matter what their individual preferences may be!

3. How to use Altscene app?

Using the Altscene app is easy and straightforward. To get started, simply download the app from your device’s respective App Store or Google Play store. Once you have installed it on your device, open up the app to create an account by entering some basic information such as a username and password. After creating an account, you can start browsing through other users’ profiles in order to find potential matches that fit what you are looking for in terms of music taste and interests. You can also add friends directly from within the application itself if they already have accounts with Altscene too! Additionally, there are various features available which allow users to customize their profile page further so that others may be able to better understand who they really are before deciding whether or not they would like them as a friend/matching partner etc.. Finally once everything has been set up correctly all that’s left is for users to start messaging each other via private chat rooms where conversations about anything related (or unrelated)to music can take place!

4. Is Altscene free?

Yes, AltScene is free to use. It offers a great platform for alternative people who are looking to meet like-minded individuals in their area or around the world. The website provides an easy and intuitive way of finding other users with similar interests, as well as giving them access to exclusive content such as music videos and photos from members’ profiles. Furthermore, AltScene also allows its users to create events that they can share with others on the site so that everyone can get together and have fun!

5. Is Altscene working and can you find someone there?

Yes, AltScene is working and it can be a great place to find someone. The website offers an alternative dating experience for people who are interested in the punk, goth, metal or emo scene. It has been around since 2009 and boasts of having over 75000 members from all over the world. On AltScene you can create your own profile with photos and information about yourself so that other users will know what kind of person you are looking for before they even start talking to you. You also have access to various chat rooms where like-minded individuals gather together and discuss topics related to their interests such as music or fashion trends within their particular subculture community. With its unique features such as advanced search options which allow users to filter by location, age range or interest tags; finding someone on this site should not be too difficult at all!


To conclude, AltScene is a great dating app for those who are looking to find partners with similar interests. The design and usability of the app make it easy to navigate and use, while its safety and security features ensure that users can feel safe when using the platform. Furthermore, help and support from customer service representatives is always available should any issues arise during usage. Finally, user profiles on AltScene tend to be quite detailed which makes finding potential matches easier than ever before! All in all, this dating app offers an excellent experience overall; however some improvements could still be made regarding profile quality as well as additional help & support options such as live chat or phone lines.

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Author Elizabeth Walker

Elizabeth Walker is a freelance writer and editor specializing in topics related to love, sex, and online dating. With a background in psychology, Elizabeth is passionate about relationships and the complex dynamics of human connection. She has written extensively on topics such as long-distance relationships, navigating the online dating world, and mastering the art of communication. Her writing has been featured in some of the top online publications, and she loves helping readers gain insight and clarity in their own relationships. When she's not writing, Elizabeth enjoys exploring the outdoors, reading, and learning new things.