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CheatingCougars Review: What You Need to Know


CheatingCougars is an online dating platform designed for people looking to find casual encounters with like-minded individuals. It was founded in 2020 by a group of entrepreneurs who wanted to provide a safe and secure environment for users seeking discreet relationships. The app has since grown into one of the most popular platforms among singles, couples, and polyamorous partners alike.

Who can you find on this app? CheatingCougars caters primarily to those interested in finding non-monogamous or open relationships; however, it also provides services that are suitable for all types of relationship styles including monogamy as well as polyamory arrangements. In addition, there are plenty of opportunities available within the community such as chat rooms where members can interact with each other without any pressure or expectations attached – perfect if someone just wants some friendly conversation!

How many active users are on CheatingCougars and how it was launched? Since its launch two years ago, Cheating Cougars now boasts over 2 million registered members worldwide making it one of the largest adult dating sites around today! With more than 1 million monthly visitors from across five countries (United States Canada Australia United Kingdom Ireland), there’s always something new happening at this dynamic site every day which makes sure no user ever gets bored while browsing through profiles here!

Who owns it and in what 5 countries is the most popular? The company behind Cheatting Cougars is based out Los Angeles California but they have offices located throughout Europe too – so their reach extends far beyond these five main markets mentioned above . They pride themselves on providing customers with high quality service backed up by experienced professionals working hard everyday make sure everyone using their website enjoys time spent here safely securely !

Is the app free to use ? Yes , absolutely ! There’s no cost associated registering creating profile account start searching matches right away However , additional features such subscription plans premium membership may require payment order access them full extent .

Does cheating cougar have an App ? How can a user accessit ? Absolutely yes – mobile application available both Android iOS devices download directly respective stores Alternatively web version accessible via browser simply logging onto www cheetingcougers com either way same great experience awaits anyone willing take plunge explore world possibilities offered usercreated accounts conversations chats video calls await whoever decides give try good luck your journey !

How Does CheatingCougars Work?

The CheatingCougars app is a revolutionary new dating platform designed to help users find their perfect match. It offers an innovative and easy-to-use interface that allows people from all over the world to connect with each other in a safe, secure environment. With its advanced search capabilities, users can easily browse through profiles of potential partners based on location, age range, interests and more. The app also provides detailed information about each user’s profile so you can make sure they are who they say they are before deciding whether or not to pursue them further.

Finding someone compatible on the CheatingCougars app is simple – just enter your criteria into the search bar at the top of your screen and wait for results! You’ll be presented with dozens of options within seconds depending on how specific you want your searches to be; alternatively if you’re feeling adventurous there’s always ‘Discover’ mode which will show random matches tailored specifically for you! There are currently millions of active members from five different countries using this service: USA , UK , Canada , Australia & India . Each country has its own dedicated section where local singles have access exclusive features such as live chat rooms or even private messaging services – giving everyone an equal chance at finding love no matter where in the world they may reside!

Once registered it’s time start exploring what makes up these wonderful relationships – firstly by looking at our wide variety types available; ranging anywhere between casual hookups right through long term commitments we’ve got something suit everyones needs here ! Secondly once found simply send out invites via email/text message directly onto chosen personals page (if enabled) allowing them know interested making contact easier than ever before ! Finally why not take advantage unique ‘Icebreaker’ feature ? This clever tool helps break down any awkwardness two strangers might feel when trying get conversation started quickly safely without having worry about being judged too harshly…

  • 1.Private Messaging: CheatingCougars allows users to privately message each other in order to maintain their privacy.
  • 2. Anonymous Profiles: Users can create anonymous profiles that will not be visible to anyone else on the site, allowing them full control over who sees their profile and information.
  • 3. Advanced Search Filters: CheatingCougars provides advanced search filters so users can easily find potential matches based on specific criteria such as age, location, interests etc., making it easier for them to connect with like-minded people from around the world quickly and efficiently.
  • 4 .Verified Accounts : All accounts are verified by an independent third party before being allowed access into the website ensuring only genuine members have access which increases safety for all involved parties .
  • 5 .Discreet Payments :Cheating Cougars offers discreet payment options so you don’t need worry about your payments being tracked or traced back too you when using this service..
  • 6 .Secure Data Storage & Encryption :All data stored is encrypted using military grade encryption protocols providing maximum security of user data at all times

Registration – How Easy Is It?

Registering on the CheatingCougars app is a straightforward process. First, users will need to provide their email address and create a password for their account. They must also confirm that they are at least 18 years old in order to proceed with registration. Once these details have been submitted, users can then set up an attractive profile by adding photos and personal information such as age, location, interests etc., which will help them find potential matches more easily. After completing this step of the registration process successfully, users can start searching for other members who meet their criteria or wait until they receive match suggestions from the app itself – all free of charge!

  • 1.User must provide a valid email address.
  • 2. User must create a unique username and password combination that meets the security requirements of CheatingCougars.
  • 3. Users under 18 years old are not allowed to register for an account on CheatingCougars without parental consent and supervision from an adult over 21 years old who has agreed to be responsible for their use of the site’s services, content, or features in accordance with our Terms & Conditions policy..
  • 4. All users will need to agree to our Privacy Policy before registering an account on CheatingCougars website/applications/services etc…
  • 5 .User is required to submit proof of identity (such as driver’s license or passport) when signing up for certain services offered by us such as financial transactions like payments etc…
  • 6 .Users may also be asked additional questions about themselves during registration process which can help verify user’s identity if needed later down the line e-g date of birth , gender , occupation details etc… 7 .All users are expected abide by all applicable laws while using any service provided by us including but not limited copyright law infringement policies ..etc…. 8 We reserve right suspend access revoke accounts at anytime we deem necessary based upon violations these terms conditions usage guidelines …etc

Design and Usability of CheatingCougars

The CheatingCougars app has a sleek and modern design, with bold colors that make it easy to navigate. The user interface is intuitive and attractive, making it simple for users to find profiles of other people in their area. It’s easy to use the app; you can search by location or interests, filter results based on age range or relationship status, and send messages directly from the platform. With a paid subscription comes additional features such as private messaging options which improve usability even further.

User Profile Quality

The user profiles on CheatingCougars are public and can be viewed by anyone. Users have the option to set a custom bio, which helps them create an interesting profile that stands out from others. There is also a “friends” feature available for users who want to connect with other members of the site. Privacy settings are in place so that users can control how much information they share about themselves online. Google or Facebook sign-in features help ensure authenticity and reduce fake accounts on the platform as well as increase security measures for all its members. Location info such as city name is visible in each user’s profile but there is no indication of distance between two people when searching through profiles; however, this information could be provided if requested directly from another member via private messaging services offered by CheatingCougars . Premium subscription offers additional benefits such as access to more advanced search filters including location data, making it easier for couples looking for potential partners near their area without having to reveal too much personal details publicly online..


CheatingCougars is a popular dating app that has recently become available for both Android and iOS users. The app allows its members to connect with other singles in their area, chat, share photos and even arrange dates. It also provides an extensive search feature which makes it easy to find potential matches based on location or interests.

The main advantage of CheatingCougars is the convenience of being able to access the service from anywhere at any time via your mobile device. This means you can quickly browse through profiles while on-the-go without having to be tied down by a laptop or desktop computer. Additionally, the user interface is simple yet effective making it easy for anyone regardless of technical ability level use this service effectively and efficiently . However one disadvantage could be that there are limited features when compared with some more established online dating sites such as Match or eHarmony who have been around longer than CheatingCougar’s relatively short existence thus far..

At present there isn’t a website version of Cheating Cougars however they may choose not offer this due various reasons such as cost implications associated with developing & maintaining two versions (website & App) simultaneously; lack resources/manpower needed maintain them; wanting focus solely on providing great experience within their existing App etc… Regardless whatever reason(s), currently only way take full advantage all features offered by company’s services would downloading free application onto compatible devices like smartphones tablets etc…

Safety & Security

CheatingCougars is committed to providing a secure platform for its users. It has implemented several measures to ensure that all user accounts are genuine and verified. To prevent bots from creating fake accounts, CheatingCougars uses an email verification process which requires the user to verify their identity by clicking on a link sent in an email after registration. Furthermore, photos uploaded by users are manually reviewed before being made visible on the site; this helps reduce any potential fraudulent activity or malicious content posted online. Additionally, two-factor authentication (2FA) is available as another layer of security for those who want extra protection when logging into their account – it adds an additional step during login where you must enter your unique code generated through SMS or Google Authenticator app every time you log in from a new device/location. In terms of privacy policy, CheatingCougars takes data protection seriously and will never share personal information with third parties without prior consent unless required by law enforcement agencies such as police forces or government bodies upon request due to suspected criminal activities related directly with use of our services..

Pricing and Benefits

CheatingCougars is an app that connects users with potential partners for discreet relationships. The question of whether the app needs a paid subscription or not has been raised by many people.

The answer to this question is yes, CheatingCougars does require a paid subscription in order to access all its features and benefits. There are three different tiers of subscriptions available: Basic ($9/month), Premium ($19/month) and Elite ($29/month). Each tier offers additional features such as unlimited messaging, profile visibility boosts, priority customer service support etc., which can be beneficial for those looking to get more out of their experience on the platform.

Benefits Of Paid Subscription:

  • Unlimited Messaging – Profile Visibility Boosts – Priority Customer Service Support – Access To Exclusive Content & Events

These prices are quite competitive when compared with other similar apps on the market offering similar services at comparable rates or even higher ones in some cases. Furthermore, it should also be noted that CheatingCougars provides customers with flexible payment options including monthly payments as well as one-time purchases depending upon individual preferences and budgets constraints .

Finally , if you decide you no longer want your membership then cancelling your account couldn’t be easier – simply go into ‘Settings’ within the app itself where there will be an option allowing you cancel without any hassle whatsoever . In addition , refunds may also sometimes possible depending upon how long ago was purchased so make sure contact customer service team before taking any further action . All things considered though , it would appear that having a paid subscription really does offer value for money when using Cheating Cougars !

Help & Support

CheatingCougars is a website dedicated to helping people find discreet relationships. The site offers various services and features that can help users in their search for companionship, but they also provide support if needed.

The first way to access customer service on CheatingCougars is through the Contact Us page located at the bottom of every page on the website. This allows customers to submit any questions or concerns directly via email, which will be answered by one of our team members as soon as possible. Generally speaking, response times are within 24 hours during business days (Monday-Friday). Additionally, there’s an FAQ section with quick answers for commonly asked questions about how to use certain features or other general inquiries regarding the site itself – this may save time when trying to get a hold of someone from customer service!

Finally, customers can call our toll free number anytime between 9am-5pm EST Monday through Friday and speak directly with one of our representatives who would be more than happy answer any question you have about using CheatingCougar’s services or navigating around its pages! Response times vary depending on availability; however we strive always strive towards providing excellent customer service no matter what day it is so you don’t have wait too long before getting your issue resolved quickly and efficiently!


1. Is CheatingCougars safe?

CheatingCougars is a website that facilitates extramarital affairs, so it can be difficult to determine whether or not the site is safe. It does have some security measures in place such as encryption and verification of user accounts, but there are still risks associated with using this type of service. For example, users may encounter fake profiles or scammers who try to take advantage of them financially. Additionally, since CheatingCougars promotes infidelity and secrecy among its members, it could lead to serious problems for couples if their relationship becomes public knowledge due to an indiscretion on the site. Ultimately it’s up to each individual user decide how comfortable they feel about using CheatingCougars; however they should weigh all potential risks before signing up for an account on the website.

2. Is CheatingCougars a real dating site with real users?

CheatingCougars is a dating site that claims to be for people looking for discreet relationships. It does not appear to have any real users, however, as the website itself has been inactive since 2017 and there are no reviews or ratings from actual users of the service. The website also appears to lack features such as profile verification and security measures which would help ensure its legitimacy. Therefore it is difficult to determine whether CheatingCougars is an active dating site with real users or simply another online scam designed solely for financial gain without providing any services in return.

3. How to use CheatingCougars app?

Using the CheatingCougars app is easy and straightforward. To get started, simply download the app from your preferred App Store or Google Play store. Once you have downloaded it, create an account with a valid email address and password to access all of its features. After logging in for the first time, you will be asked to fill out some basic information about yourself such as age range and gender preference so that other users can find matches more easily. You also need to upload at least one profile picture before proceeding further into the app’s interface which consists of several tabs like “Matches” where potential partners are listed based on their preferences; “Messages” tab allows users to chat with each other privately; “Activity Feeds" shows what others are doing within this community; "Events" lists upcoming events near them related specifically geared towards cougars seeking relationships outside their marriage/relationship status ; finally there’s also a search feature which helps narrow down results by location or keyword searches if needed . With these tools combined together , finding someone special has never been easier!

4. Is CheatingCougars free?

No, CheatingCougars is not free. The website offers a variety of subscription packages that allow users to access different features and services. These subscriptions range from one month for $29.95 up to twelve months for $119.40, with discounts available when purchasing multiple months at once or renewing an existing subscription package after it has expired. All payments are made securely through PayPal and the site also accepts major credit cards such as Visa, MasterCard, American Express and Discover Card in addition to other payment methods like Bitcoin Cash (BCH). In order to ensure privacy and security on their platform all user data is encrypted using SSL technology so that no personal information can be accessed by third parties without permission from the account holder first being granted

5. Is CheatingCougars working and can you find someone there?

CheatingCougars is a website that provides an online platform for people who are looking to have extramarital affairs. It has been in operation since 2015 and claims to be the leading site of its kind, with over 2 million members worldwide. The website offers various features such as private messaging, chat rooms and photo galleries which allow users to connect with potential partners discreetly. While it can’t guarantee success in finding someone, many users report having had successful experiences on CheatingCougars. With its large user base and extensive range of features available, there’s certainly a good chance you could find someone suitable if you take the time to explore all your options carefully.


In conclusion, CheatingCougars is a great app for those looking to find partners for dating. It offers an easy-to-use interface and plenty of features that make it enjoyable to use. The design and usability are excellent; the safety and security measures in place ensure users’ privacy is respected; help and support are always available when needed; user profile quality is high with lots of detailed information provided by members. All these factors combined make this one of the best apps out there for finding dates or casual encounters quickly, easily, safely, securely – all while having fun!

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Author Elizabeth Walker

Elizabeth Walker is a freelance writer and editor specializing in topics related to love, sex, and online dating. With a background in psychology, Elizabeth is passionate about relationships and the complex dynamics of human connection. She has written extensively on topics such as long-distance relationships, navigating the online dating world, and mastering the art of communication. Her writing has been featured in some of the top online publications, and she loves helping readers gain insight and clarity in their own relationships. When she's not writing, Elizabeth enjoys exploring the outdoors, reading, and learning new things.