Iranian Singles
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Iranian Singles 2023 Review: Safe Communication Or Scam?


Iranian Singles is an online dating app that connects Iranian singles from around the world. It was launched in 2012 by a group of young entrepreneurs who wanted to create a platform for Iranians living abroad and those interested in connecting with them. Since then, it has become one of the most popular dating apps among Persian-speaking people worldwide, boasting over 1 million active users across five countries: Iran, United States, Canada, Australia and Germany.

The main purpose of this app is to help single men and women find compatible partners within their own culture or heritage while also providing an opportunity for international connections as well. The app offers features such as profile creation (including photos), messaging capabilities (texts/videos) search filters based on age range/location preferences etc., which makes it easier to narrow down potential matches according to personal preference criteria set by each user individually. Additionally there are options available like “virtual gifts” that can be sent between two members if they wish so – making communication more interesting & interactive!

Iranian Singles is free for everyone; however some premium services require payment plans depending on what type of subscription you choose – either monthly or yearly basis – which gives accesses additional benefits like advanced filtering options when searching profiles etc.. As far as mobile devices go; yes indeed there’s both Android & iOS versions available through respective stores allowing easy installation onto your device(s). Furthermore registering process itself only takes few minutes since all necessary information required will be provided during sign up procedure i e email address , name , date birth gender selection …etc . Once registration completed new member can start browsing other users’ profiles immediately without any further delay !

How Does Iranian Singles Work?

The Iranian Singles app is a great way to meet people from around the world. It allows users to create profiles, search for potential matches and connect with other singles in their area or abroad. The app also provides features such as messaging, photo sharing and video chat that make it easy for users to get connected quickly. With over 5 million active members worldwide, this dating platform offers something unique: an opportunity for Iranians living outside of Iran to find love without having to travel back home or worry about cultural differences getting in the way of romance.

Finding compatible partners on Iranian Singles is simple thanks its advanced matchmaking algorithm which takes into account age preferences, location data and lifestyle choices when suggesting possible matches. Additionally there are filters available so you can narrow down your search results by country (over 50 countries represented), language spoken (Farsi being most popular) religion/sects etc., allowing you more control over who appears in your list of suggested dates!

Once registered with Iranian Singles ,you will be able access detailed user profiles where information like hobbies & interests along with pictures are displayed; making it easier than ever before decide if someone could be right one! You can even check out how many mutual friends two people have – giving insight into compatibility levels between prospective couples . Furthermore each profile has a ‘Verified’ badge indicating whether they have been verified by customer service team – helping protect against fraudsters online too !

For those looking further away than just local cities ,the ‘Global’ feature lets them expand their horizons beyond borders ; enabling them browse through millions international members all at once . According To statistics published on official website ; majority population comes from United States followed closely behind by Canada then Germany France & Australia respectively .. Allowing individuals explore various cultures while searching perfect soulmate within same faith background .

Finally after finding suitable partner ,users now take advantage numerous communication tools offered via App including Instant Messaging Video Chatting Voice Calling Stickers Emojis etc.. This ensures no matter distance involved both parties still remain close touch throughout relationship journey together ultimately leading towards happy ending !

  • 1.Iranian Singles offers a comprehensive search engine to help users find their perfect match.
  • 2. It provides detailed profiles of potential matches, including photos and information about interests, hobbies and lifestyle preferences.
  • 3. Users can create an account for free in order to access the site’s features such as messaging other members or creating a profile page with pictures and details about themselves.
  • 4. The website also includes chat rooms where singles can communicate with each other in real time without having to leave the comfort of their own home or office space .
  • 5. There is also an extensive list of Persian events that are taking place all over the world which allows users to connect more easily within their local community or abroad if they choose too!
  • 6..The site has advanced security measures so that user data remains safe at all times while browsing through potential partners on Iranian Singles

Registration – How Easy Is It?

Registering on the Iranian Singles app is a simple process. First, you need to provide your basic information such as name, email address and date of birth. You will also be asked to create a username and password for your account. After submitting these details, you will receive an activation link in your inbox which needs to be clicked before logging into the app. Once logged in, users can fill out their profile with more detailed information about themselves including interests and hobbies so that they can find potential matches based on similar preferences or characteristics. The minimum age requirement for registering on this dating site is 18 years old; however registration itself is free of charge!

  • 1.A valid Iranian passport or national ID card.
  • 2. Must be 18 years of age or older to register for the site.
  • 3. An active email address and phone number are required for verification purposes during registration process
  • 4. Upload a recent photo that clearly shows your face, as this will help other users identify you on the site more easily
  • 5 .Complete all fields in the online registration form accurately and truthfully with no false information provided
  • 6 .Agree to abide by all terms & conditions set forth by Iranian Singles when registering an account
  • 7 .Provide proof of identity such as driver’s license, state-issued identification card, etc., if requested at any time after initial sign up 8 Provide additional personal details including hobbies/interests/favorite activities which can be used to match potential partners

Design and Usability of Iranian Singles

The Iranian Singles app has a modern and minimalistic design. The colors used are mostly muted blues, whites, and grays which give the interface an inviting yet professional feel. You can easily find profiles of other people by using the search function or browsing through suggested matches based on your preferences. The usability is great; all features are easy to access with clear labels for each button making it simple to navigate around the app without any confusion. There aren’t many UI improvements when you purchase a paid subscription but there may be additional benefits such as more detailed profile information or better match suggestions depending on what plan you choose

User Profile Quality

User profile quality on Iranian Singles is quite high. All profiles are public and can be viewed by any user of the platform, however users have the option to set a custom bio if they wish. There is also a “friends” feature that allows users to connect with other members of the site. Privacy settings available include allowing only certain people or friends access to view your profile information, as well as hiding location info from others if desired. Sign-in options such as Google and Facebook are available for added security against fake accounts which helps ensure genuine interactions between real people on this dating platform. Location info in profiles may reveal city but not exact address so there’s an indication of distance between two potential matches without compromising privacy too much; premium subscriptions offer additional benefits such as higher visibility for more successful matchmaking opportunities among other perks .


At the time of writing, Iranian Singles does not have a dating website. This is likely due to cultural and religious beliefs in Iran that make it difficult for people to meet outside their social circles or even use online services like dating websites. Additionally, there are strict laws against public displays of affection which could be seen as inappropriate if used on a traditional dating site.

However, Iranian Singles does offer an app available on both iOS and Android devices where users can create profiles with pictures and information about themselves such as interests, hobbies etc., browse through other user’s profiles based on location or shared interests; send messages back-and-forth; add each other to friends lists; set up dates using the built-in calendar feature etc.. The main advantage of this app over traditional sites is its convenience – you don’t need access to a computer since all features are accessible from your phone anywhere at any time! However one disadvantage may be that some people prefer more detailed profile options than what’s offered by the app so they might feel limited when trying out different matches compared with those found via desktop searches.

Safety & Security

Iranian Singles is a popular dating app that provides users with the opportunity to meet and connect with other singles from Iran. To ensure user safety, Iranian Singles has implemented several security measures such as verification methods for its users. The app requires all new members to verify their identity by providing an email address or phone number which will be used to send them a confirmation code before they can access the platform. Additionally, Iranian Singles uses sophisticated algorithms and AI-based technologies like facial recognition software in order to detect bots and fake accounts on the platform. Photos are also manually reviewed by moderators who make sure that only real people use this service safely without any issues of fraudulence or malicious activities taking place on it . Furthermore, two-factor authentication (2FA) is available for added protection against unauthorized access attempts into one’s account making it even more secure than ever before! In terms of privacy policy, Iranian Singles takes data protection very seriously; all personal information collected from users during registration process is securely stored in encrypted databases so no third party can gain unauthorized access over your private details at any time whatsoever!

Pricing and Benefits

Iranian Singles App: Free or Paid Subscription?

The Iranian Singles app is a great way to meet people with similar interests and backgrounds. It provides users with the opportunity to connect, share stories, and even find potential partners. But one of the questions that many have about this app is whether it requires a paid subscription in order to use its features.

At present, there are no charges for using the basic version of Iranian Singles – all you need do is sign up for an account and start browsing profiles! However, if you want access to more advanced features such as unlimited messaging or detailed profile information then you will need a premium membership plan which does come at an additional cost. The plans available range from $9 per month (for 3 months) up to $25 per month (for 12 months). These prices are competitive compared other dating apps on the market today so they may be worth considering depending on your needs.

In terms of cancellation process & refunds; once signed-up for any type of subscription package offered by IraninanSingles – customers can cancel their subscriptions anytime without incurring any penalty fees but unfortunately there won’t be any refund issued unless stated otherwise within company’s Terms & Conditions agreement .

So overall , having said that , although free memberships provide some benefits ; those who really wish make most out their experience should definitely consider getting paid membership as it offers lots advantages like :

  • Unlimited Messaging * Detailed Profile Information * Access To Advanced Features * Priority Customer Support etc..

Help & Support

Accessing support on Iranian Singles is relatively straightforward. The first option for users to contact the customer service team is via email, with a response time of typically 24-48 hours. Alternatively, there are dedicated phone lines available which provide direct access to an advisor who can answer queries and resolve any issues quickly and efficiently.

The website also provides helpful information in its FAQs section where common questions about using the site are answered directly without having to wait for a reply from customer services or make a call – this page should be consulted before contacting either by email or telephone as it may save you some time! Additionally, there’s an active forum where members can post their own experiences and get advice from other users; however responses here will not come directly from Iranian Singles staff so caution should be taken when relying solely on these answers.

Overall then, accessing support through Iranian Singles isn’t difficult at all – whether you choose one of the methods mentioned above or use both simultaneously depends entirely upon your individual needs but whatever route you take help is always close at hand!


1. Is Iranian Singles safe?

Yes, Iranian Singles is a safe website for singles to meet and interact with one another. The site has been in operation since 2006 and has implemented measures to ensure the safety of its members. All users must agree to their terms of service before signing up, which includes not sharing any personal information or photos that could be used against them. Additionally, all messages sent through the platform are monitored by moderators who can take action if inappropriate content is found on the site. Furthermore, user profiles are verified manually so only genuine people join this community making it an even safer environment for online dating among Iranians around the world

2. Is Iranian Singles a real dating site with real users?

Yes, Iranian Singles is a real dating site with real users. It has been in operation since 2009 and provides an online platform for singles from Iran to connect with each other. The website offers various features such as messaging, video chat, photo albums and more that help its members find compatible matches based on their interests and preferences. With thousands of active members worldwide it’s easy to see why this site is so popular among those looking for love or companionship within the Iranian community. In addition to providing an opportunity for people of similar backgrounds to meet one another, the website also serves as a great resource where individuals can learn about different aspects of Persian culture through articles written by experts in the field which are available on their blog page.

3. How to use Iranian Singles app?

Using the Iranian Singles app is easy and straightforward. To get started, simply download the app from your device’s App Store or Google Play store. Once installed, you will be asked to create an account with a valid email address and password. After that, you can start browsing through profiles of other singles who are looking for love in Iran! You can use various filters such as age range or gender preference to narrow down your search results. When you find someone interesting, just send them a message using the chat feature on the app – it’s really that simple! The Iranian Singles community also has its own blog where members share stories about their experiences in finding true love online – so don’t forget to check out this great resource too!

4. Is Iranian Singles free?

Yes, Iranian Singles is a free online dating service. It allows users to create profiles and connect with other singles in their area or around the world for friendship, romance, marriage or just casual fun. The website provides an easy-to-use interface that makes it simple to search through hundreds of thousands of potential matches based on criteria such as age range, gender preference and location. With its wide selection of features including private messaging systems and chat rooms as well as detailed profile information fields like religion preferences and lifestyle choices – Iranian Singles has something for everyone looking for love online!

5. Is Iranian Singles working and can you find someone there?

Yes, Iranian Singles is a working website and it is possible to find someone there. The site provides users with the opportunity to meet singles from all over Iran in one place. It has an extensive database of members that are looking for friendship, dating or even marriage. Users can search through profiles based on their interests and location so they can find people who share similar values and goals as them. Furthermore, the website also offers features such as live chat rooms where users can interact with each other in real time which makes finding potential matches easier than ever before!


In conclusion, Iranian Singles is a great app for those looking to find partners for dating. The design and usability of the app are excellent, making it easy to navigate through its features. Safety and security measures have been put in place by the developers so that users can feel secure while using the platform. Help and support from customer service representatives are also available when needed. Lastly, user profiles on this site appear genuine with detailed information about each member’s interests which makes finding compatible matches easier than ever before! All these factors make Iranian Singles an ideal choice if you’re looking for someone special or just want to meet new people online!

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Author Andrew Phillips

Andrew Phillips is an experienced writer, specializing in love and relationships. Having written extensively on this subject for various publications, his thoughtful and insightful pieces have been featured in various publications, including The New York Times, Cosmopolitan, and Glamour magazine. Andrew believes that understanding the complexities of relationships is key to unlocking their full potential. His work aims to help readers navigate their relationship struggles with compassion and understanding. When Andrew isn't writing about relationships, he enjoys spending time with his family, playing guitar, and traveling.