Lumen App
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  • Easy to use
  • Matches based on interests and values
  • Encourages meaningful conversations
  • Secure messaging system
  • Free to join
  • 1. Limited user base
  • 2. No way to verify identity of other users
  • 3. Lack of features compared to traditional dating apps


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  • Active Audience:
  • Quality Matches:
  • Average Age:
  • Profiles:
  • Reply Rate:
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  • Fraud:
    Hardly ever
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Buckle Up For A Lumen App Review: Is It The Right Choice In 2023?


Lumen App is a social media platform designed for people over 50 years old. It was launched in 2018 with the goal of providing an online space where seniors can connect, share stories and experiences, and stay up to date on news relevant to their age group. The app has become increasingly popular among its target audience due to its easy-to-use interface, intuitive design features that make it accessible even for those who are not tech savvy, as well as its commitment towards safety by preventing harassment or abuse from other users.

Who can you find on this app? Lumen App connects people aged 50+ around the world so they can meet new friends through shared interests such as hobbies or travel plans; discover local events happening near them; join groups based on topics like health & fitness or art & culture; follow inspiring influencers within their own age range and get advice from experts about lifestyle issues related to aging gracefully.

How many active users are on Lumen App and how it was launched? As of 2021 there are more than 5 million registered members worldwide using the platform daily since launching in 2018 – making it one of fastest growing social networks today! Who owns it and in what 5 countries is most popular? Owned by Badoo Group Limited (the same company behind dating apps Bumble & Chappy), Lumen’s largest user base comes from United States followed closely by UK Canada Australia France Is the app free to use ? Yes – downloading lumens mobile application via Apple Store Google Play store Microsoft Windows Store etc.. is absolutely free Does Lumen have an APP ? How does a user accesses IT yes lumens available both iOS Android devices plus desktop computers accessing website wwwlumendatingcom/app registration process quite simple enter email address password click signup button then receive confirmation link inbox create profile add photo start exploring community

How Does Lumen App Work?

The Lumen App is a revolutionary new dating app designed for singles over 50. It offers an easy-to-use interface that allows users to quickly find and connect with potential matches in their area. The key features of the app include profile creation, searching by location or age range, messaging other users directly from within the app, and filtering options based on interests or activities. Additionally, there are also verified profiles which provide assurance that you’re talking to real people who have been vetted by the team at Lumen App before being allowed onto the platform.

When it comes to finding compatible partners on Lumen App , there are several ways you can go about doing so depending upon your preferences – whether it be through swiping left/right like traditional apps such as Tinder; using advanced search filters; browsing recommended matches curated specifically for each user; or even exploring different ‘communities’ where members share similar interests & hobbies (e.g., travel). Furthermore, if desired one can limit searches only within certain countries – currently available ones including USA , UK , Canada , Australia & New Zealand . As of now more than 2 million active monthly users hail from these five nations alone!

For those looking for something beyond casual dating but not quite ready yet willing to commit into long term relationships then this could very well be just what they need – thanks mainly due its emphasis placed firmly upon safety & security measures when verifying accounts plus having strict guidelines against inappropriate behavior while encouraging meaningful conversations between two individuals interested in getting know each other better via text chat feature provided inside application itself .

In addition various interactive tools make sure all interactions remain safe enjoyable experience ; e g ‘icebreaker’ questionnaires help break ice start conversation off right foot suggest topics discuss during first few dates providing both parties ample opportunity get acquainted with another person’s likes dislikes without feeling too much pressure situation . Moreover live video streaming option gives added layer protection allowing verify identity prospective match whilst still keeping anonymity until comfortable enough meet face face !

Finally worth noting special attention given older demographic here since many senior citizens may feel apprehensive trying out online platforms begin relationship again after years away scene lumens dedicated customer service staff always happy answer any queries doubts making process smooth hassle free them ease transition digital world back romantic life once more !

  • 1.Easy Setup: Lumen offers a simple setup process, making it easy to get started quickly.
  • 2. Fast Performance: With its optimized architecture and lightweight codebase, Lumen provides fast performance with minimal overhead.
  • 3. Database Support: It supports multiple database systems including MySQL, PostgreSQL and SQLite for data storage needs.
  • 4 .Routing System :Lumen includes an intuitive routing system that allows developers to easily create routes for their applications using simple syntaxes like GET/POST/PUT etc..
  • 5 .Caching :It has built-in support for caching through the use of Memcached or Redis which can be used to store application data in memory instead of hitting the database every time a request is made resulting in improved performance
  • 6 .Middleware & Security Features :Lumen comes with several middleware features such as authentication and authorization checks as well as security features like CSRF protection out-of-the box

Registration – How Easy Is It?

Registering on the Lumen App is a straightforward process. First, users must download the app and create an account by providing their email address or phone number, date of birth (minimum age to begin dating is 18 years old), gender identity and sexual orientation. After submitting these details, they will be asked to provide some additional information such as location preferences and personal interests in order to complete their profile setup. Once this step has been completed successfully, users can start browsing other profiles on the platform for potential matches based on shared interests or proximity. Registration with Lumen App is free of charge so anyone who meets the minimum age requirement can sign up without any cost involved!

  • 1.Create a user profile with an email address and password.
  • 2. Provide basic personal information such as name, date of birth, gender etc.
  • 3. Accept the terms and conditions of use for Lumen App before registering your account on the app platform
  • 4. Verify mobile number or other contact details to complete registration process successfully
  • 5. Allow users to upload their photo/avatar if they wish (optional)
  • 6 .Provide option for linking social media accounts like Facebook & Twitter (optional) 7 .Ensure that all data entered by users is secure and protected from unauthorized access or misuse 8 .Send confirmation emails after successful completion of registration process

Design and Usability of Lumen App

The Lumen App has a modern and sleek design, with colors that are easy on the eyes. The main page is black and white, while other pages have subtle blues and purples to give it some depth. Profiles of others can be easily found by using the search bar or scrolling through different categories like age range or location. The app’s usability is great; all features are clearly labeled making navigation simple for users of any level of experience. With a paid subscription there may be UI improvements such as larger profile pictures which make finding someone easier than ever before!

User Profile Quality

The Lumen App is a dating app that allows users to create profiles. The quality of the user profile depends on how much information they choose to provide and how well it’s presented. Profiles are public, so anyone can view them, but you can set your own custom bio if desired. There isn’t a “friends” feature or anything similar; however there is an option for messaging other users privately which requires both parties consenting before any messages are sent or received.

Privacy settings available to users include hiding their location info as well as blocking certain people from viewing their profile entirely – this includes fake accounts too! Location info reveals the city where each user lives and also indicates the distance between two different locations in miles/kilometers – making it easier for potential matches who live close by find one another more easily than those further away from each other geographically speaking.. Premium subscriptions offer additional benefits such as higher visibility within search results and access to exclusive features like unlimited swipes per day (rather than being limited).

Finally, Lumen App offers its members secure sign-in options via Google or Facebook authentication methods – ensuring only verified real accounts have access while protecting personal data privacy at all times through strict security protocols designed with safety in mind first & foremost! All these factors contribute towards creating high quality profiles on Lumen App which ultimately leads better chances of finding meaningful connections online


Lumen App is a popular dating app that has been gaining traction in recent years. It offers users the ability to connect with other singles, chat and meet up for dates or just hang out. The main advantages of Lumen are its user-friendly interface, safety features such as photo verification and real time location tracking; it also allows you to search by age range, gender identity and interests which makes finding compatible matches easier than ever before. Additionally, Lumen’s messaging system ensures privacy so your conversations remain secure from prying eyes.

However there is no official website for the app at this time due to several reasons including cost effectiveness – creating an online platform would require additional resources compared to maintaining a mobile application only -and security concerns related with data storage on third party servers outside of their control . Furthermore having both an app and web version could lead customers away from using the more reliable mobile version since they can access all features without downloading anything onto their device , leading them into potential scams or malicious activity instead . Therefore , while there may be plans in place eventually create one , right now focusing solely on developing further improvements within the existing application remains priority number one for Lumen App developers .

Safety & Security

Lumen App is a secure platform for users to connect with each other. It has an advanced security system that helps protect its users from malicious activities and fake accounts. Lumen App verifies all user accounts through email verification, phone number authentication, and facial recognition technology. All photos are manually reviewed by the team of moderators before they appear on the app to ensure only real people can use it safely. Additionally, two-factor authentication is available as an extra layer of protection against unauthorized access attempts or suspicious activity in case someone tries to log into your account without permission.

The privacy policy at Lumen App ensures that all personal data provided by their customers will be kept safe and confidential at all times according to international standards such as GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation). They also guarantee not share any information about their customers with third parties unless required under applicable law or regulations

Pricing and Benefits

Is Lumen App Free or Paid?

Lumen App is a free mobile application that provides users with access to their health data. The app allows users to track and monitor their health, as well as connect with doctors and other healthcare professionals. However, the app also offers additional features through its paid subscription service called “Premium” which requires a monthly fee for access.

Benefits of Getting Premium Subscription on Lumen App

  • Access personalized insights about your body: With premium you can get tailored advice from medical experts based on your individual needs such as nutrition plans, exercise routines etc.. – Connect directly with Doctors & Healthcare Professionals: You will be able to easily find the right doctor or specialist for any type of care you need in one place without having to search multiple websites. – Track Your Health Progress Easily: Get detailed reports about how your lifestyle choices are impacting your overall wellbeing so that you can make better decisions going forward. – Save Money On Medical Bills: By signing up for the premium plan, you will receive discounts when booking appointments at participating clinics/hospitals across India!

Prices & Competitiveness of Premium Plan

The cost of getting an annual subscription on LumenApp’s "Premium" plan is Rs 4999 per year (which works out roughly equivalent to $67 USD). This price point makes it quite competitive compared against similar services offered by competitors like Practo ($80 USD) and Docsapp ($60 USD). Furthermore if customers choose not sign up annually they have option pay month-to-month basis where they would only have pay Rs 499 per month (roughly equivalent $7USD).

Cancellation Process & Refunds

If user decides cancel his/her membership before end billing cycle then he/she must do this within 48 hours prior renewal date order avoid being charged again next period . If customer does manage request cancellation time then company provide full refund amount back into account used purchase initial membership . In addition , refunds take approximately 7 business days process after successful cancellation has been made .           Do Users Really Need A Paid Subscription On LumenApp ? It really depends what kind benefits looking gain from using platform . For those who want extra insight regarding personal health journey may find value paying small fee each month gain access these added features provided via "premium" tier service !

Help & Support

The Lumen App is a great way to access support when you need it. The app provides several ways for users to get help, including an online page with frequently asked questions and answers, email contact options, and phone numbers for customer service representatives.

If you have a question or issue that needs immediate attention, the best option is usually calling one of the dedicated customer service lines provided by Lumen App. You can expect prompt responses from their team of experts who are always ready to assist in resolving any issues quickly and efficiently. Additionally, if your query requires more detailed assistance than what’s available on the FAQ page or through email contact methods then this would be another good reason why calling may be preferable over other forms of communication offered by Lumen App’s support system.

Finally there’s also an extensive FAQ section which contains quick answers for commonly asked questions about using features within the app as well as general information regarding account management such as how do I change my password? How do I cancel my subscription? etcetera – all these topics are covered in detail here so make sure you check out this resource before reaching out directly via telephone call or e-mail correspondence should further assistance be required beyond what’s already been provided on site!


1. Is Lumen App safe?

Yes, Lumen App is safe. It uses the latest security protocols and encryption technologies to protect user data from unauthorized access or misuse. All of its communication channels are encrypted using TLS (Transport Layer Security) protocol which ensures that all data sent between users and servers remains secure at all times. Additionally, it also has a two-factor authentication process for added protection against potential hackers trying to gain access to your account information. Furthermore, it offers an optional PIN code feature as well as Touch ID/Face ID recognition so you can easily add extra layers of security when logging into your account on any device.

2. Is Lumen App a real dating site with real users?

Lumen App is a real dating site with real users. It was launched in September 2018 and has since become one of the most popular online dating sites for mature singles over 50 years old. The app offers an easy-to-use interface, where members can connect with other likeminded individuals who are looking to find meaningful relationships or just someone to chat with. Lumen also provides its users access to verified profiles so that they know exactly who they’re talking too before committing any time or energy into getting to know them better. Additionally, it offers safety features such as photo verification and profile moderation which help keep out scammers from taking advantage of vulnerable people on the platform – something many other apps don’t offer at all! All in all, Lumen App is definitely worth checking out if you’re interested in finding love after 50!

3. How to use Lumen App app?

Lumen App is a free mobile app that helps users to track their physical activity and measure the impact of lifestyle changes on overall health. The app uses advanced technology such as machine learning, artificial intelligence, and motion sensing to provide personalized insights into your daily activities. With Lumen App you can easily monitor your heart rate, steps taken each day, calories burned during exercise sessions or throughout the day’s activities. You can also set goals for yourself in terms of weight loss or fitness level improvement by setting up weekly targets with reminders sent directly to your phone when it’s time for an update.

The user interface is simple yet effective – all information about one’s progress towards achieving goals are clearly displayed within easy-to-understand charts and graphs which allow you to keep tabs on how well you’re doing at any given moment without having to scroll through multiple screens just trying figure out what happened yesterday! Additionally there are plenty of helpful tips from experts available within the app so if ever stuck while using Lumen App – help is always close at hand!

4. Is Lumen App free?

Lumen App is a free app that can be downloaded from the Apple Store or Google Play. It offers users an easy way to keep track of their health and fitness goals, as well as provide them with helpful tips on how to reach those goals. The app provides users with access to a variety of features such as personalized meal plans, daily reminders for workouts and nutrition advice tailored specifically for each user’s individual needs. Additionally, Lumen App also allows its users to connect with friends who are also using the app so they can stay motivated together while working towards their common goal. All in all, Lumen App is completely free and available for download now!

5. Is Lumen App working and can you find someone there?

Yes, Lumen App is working and it can be used to find someone. It is a dating app designed for over 50s which has been gaining popularity since its launch in 2018. The app offers an easy-to-use interface that allows users to connect with other singles based on their interests and preferences. Through the use of advanced algorithms, Lumen App helps match people who are looking for meaningful relationships or companionship rather than just casual hookups or flings. With millions of members worldwide, you’re sure to find someone special through this platform whether you’re seeking love or friendship!


In conclusion, Lumen App is a great dating app for singles over 50. Its design and usability are excellent; it has an intuitive user interface that makes finding partners easy. Safety and security features ensure the safety of users’ data, while help and support options make sure any issues can be resolved quickly. The quality of user profiles is also high – all accounts are verified to ensure they belong to real people looking for genuine connections with others in their age group. All these factors combined make Lumen one of the best apps out there when it comes to online dating for older adults who want meaningful relationships without having to worry about scams or frauds.

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Author Andrew Phillips

Andrew Phillips is an experienced writer, specializing in love and relationships. Having written extensively on this subject for various publications, his thoughtful and insightful pieces have been featured in various publications, including The New York Times, Cosmopolitan, and Glamour magazine. Andrew believes that understanding the complexities of relationships is key to unlocking their full potential. His work aims to help readers navigate their relationship struggles with compassion and understanding. When Andrew isn't writing about relationships, he enjoys spending time with his family, playing guitar, and traveling.